
Mom is 94 yrs old and on hospice for end stage congestive heart failure. She is still in her own home and lives a few doors down from us. She is still somewhat mobile and does manage to make some meals for herself. She doesn’t cook, but merely heats things in the microwave. We supply her with dinners we make and she also gets meals on wheels (pre-made meals) delivered to her house. I help out and hospice does some things for her too. Her appetite is not that great and she has lost over 15 lbs since February of this year. But she is compulsive with food most times. It’s as if she eats, breathes and sleeps different meals she wants and she is becoming pretty demanding that I buy certain foods for her when I go shopping. For example, tonight she wanted me to get her lamb chops, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. She wants me to make it and bring it to her. Of course I will, but this is becoming a conversation almost daily. Can anyone tell me what may be going on? She has more than enough food there to last a week or more until I go shopping for her again. She has never been without food ever and I get her whatever is on her list.

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I’ve had experience with people in facilities who seem to fixate about the next meal. It’s what they talk about, think about, relive etc. At worst, they just sit there stone faced and wait for the next meal. Others don’t seem interested at all. Your mother is fortunate to have some choice, with your help. It may be partly the texture that she likes from you. Because so many people in facilities (or with meals on wheels) have to have their food as mush, your offer of lamb chops would sound just great! Just don't let her demands run you ragged.
Helpful Answer (1)
nymima Aug 2020
Yes. It is starting to run me ragged. She’s getting compulsive about it. It’s just a new behavior that I’ve noticed. We make her great meals that we out in her freezer and she takes them out one at a time for each day. Like Meals on Wheels - only better! Lol. But we’ve been doing that. It’s this new anxious behavior that has me puzzled. Hopefully she will settle down. I will mention it it hospice to see if they’ve noticed anything. Thank you.
It could be as simple as the fact that at her age and with her health there is little else for her to look forward to and have any control over, it's wonderful of you to work so hard to accommodate her!
Helpful Answer (3)
nymima Aug 2020
Yes - I do try. She’s crazy for the meals we make for her. Meals on wheels are just back-up. I just hope she’s not getting too over-anxious about food. Just something new for her that has me a bit puzzled. She’s always been calmer about food.
Just a gut reaction, but (a) it might the only thing she can focus on, and possibly control at this stage of her life, and therefore occupies more of her thoughts, or (b) she recognizes that she's losing weight and focuses on food as a method to stave off further decline.

At any rate, I think her choice of lamb, potatoes and broccoli reflects a good balance, and that may be part of her approach to address weight loss.

To me it shows good insight, so I would encourage it. If it helps her plan her day, and exercise thinking options, I think it's a good thing to encourage.

I also think that until we're in that situation, it's probably pretty hard for us to intuit what others are thinking. Communications aren't always capable of being that clear.
Helpful Answer (4)
nymima Aug 2020
Thank you for your thoughts. This is kind of new stuff for her. She just seems anxious about food now. She thinks of it, then calls me to get it for her the next day. Kind of compulsive. I got her spaghetti one day instead of linguine and she went in and on why she likes linquine more than spaghetti. Lol. I guess I got the message! (Her cna will make it for her for lunch).
I think it is a matter of she has that ONE THING left. I really do.
My partner and I discuss this quite a lot. I am 78 and he is 80. He has GERD so if very limited in what he can eat and what hours he can eat. I myself can eat anything. I think about food A LOT and he is kind of anti food. It has become something he cannot enjoy but must do in limited quantities and amounts and indeed food itself. Whereas I kind of obsess now on GOOD THINGS TO EAT. Not much else in covid times. I mean I love my gardening and walks and the few things I like on TV, and reading. But what I really like is Hamburger and fries. Coke here and there. White one once in a while. Ribs. Quesadillas. And I will kind of obsess on what fun food I am going to have. Could honestly eat same food over and over IF it is spaghetti and great meatballs. (You see what I mean about obsessing on good foods to eat, here?). Pizza! NOW we're talking.
So just get a giggle out of it. And if she is dealing with CHF and still can take this much joy in anything at all, I say more the power to her. She's so lucky to be close to you and have her personal shopper. Carry on. Both of you!
Helpful Answer (2)
nymima Aug 2020
I can imagine a great bowl of spaghetti and meatballs too! Yum! And hubby could eat pizza every night! Lol. Thanks for the chuckle. My hubby and I are like -me - “What do you want for dinner Hon?” Hubby says “Don’t worry about me. I’ll find something in the fridge”. Me - “Okay - good!” There’s usually something we can rustle up.
Okay. Thank you all for your input. While thinking about this last night in bed (of course), I had the idea that she has no other stimulation going on. In other words, she is bored and thinking of wonderful meals she might have gets her going again. I also had the thought that lamb chops might be difficult for her to chew, as she’s had some teeth pulled over the years. So I asked her this morning if this would be a good idea. I would be a bit nervous, even if I cut the meat up small. She’s only had very thin pieces of chicken from meals on wheels, and we always make her pasta dishes with vegetables. So she had to admit it might not be a good idea with the lamb chops.

She will call me however with these brainstorms about what she would like to eat. She never did that before. Almost demanding. I feel she is anxious about meals now. Today she was asking for more tomatoes. She has 4 sitting in the bowl. Is she afraid of running out? She only eats a half one a day. Just something new for her. Not used to it I guess.
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AlvaDeer Aug 2020
I think more it is just obsessing on good things to eat, but hey, that is likely ME and not her. Good luck! I am hopeing against hope he world doesn't run out of Popeye's fried chicken and burgers before I can get to them!
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