I have been told several times by home health that they cannot provide bathing assistance if there is in home help that could do it. They say that Medicare considers that "double-dipping." I have also been told that Medicare pays a lump sum for a the treatment protocol for a specific condition and that it is up to the home health agency to provide the treatment protocol that is needed using the Medicare funds. So if they don't provide an aide for bathing assistance that improves their profit margin. What is the truth?
Home health generally will provide one bath per week. That is not enough for most of us but if we hire someone to given another bath, we lose the one covered by Medicare? So seniors can't have more than one bath a week unless they are financially or physically able to provide it themselves. Is this right?
I would call Medicare and ask them what is to be expected and if you find that the current home health has not been providing the services Medicare believes they have been, file a Medicare fraud complaint and get a referral for other home health companies.
How can it be double dipping if someone in the home, I assume you mean a daughter or spouse and not an aide paid by Medicare is available to help. I personally have experienced complete fraud in this industry, no one is responsible, always passing the buck, etc. To the complete detriment of our seniors.
Good luck.
You may want to call another homecare agency and see what they say.