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Are you absolutely sure that you are ready to be a full time caregiver to an ex? Not judging but I think it may be wise to reconsider.

First of all, what is your relationship like? Do you currently work? Will you be happy not being employed if you do? Being a full time caregiver is one of the toughest jobs you will ever have for very little pay. What kind of care does he need? Is it temporary care or permanent? Please fill in the blanks for us to help you.

Is he going to financially contribute in any way? Is he a veteran? Where would you get assistance? I’m not sure how this would work. Other people may be able to answer this question.

Best of luck to you.
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kkirkpatrick, I read your profile and I feel you need to think twice about being your ex-hubby's full-time caregiver [3 full-time shifts each day].

You mentioned that he had a stroke back in June, and he is 70 years old. His age is still young in today's world. Did he go into Rehab? If not, why not? And if yes, did the Rehab feel he was able to live on his own, or did he fail to do the physical therapy?

The vast majority of family caregivers do not get paid.... unless the person they are caring for can pay you from their own retirement funds. If your ex can do that, then you would need to draw up an employment agreement for your own protection, and for ex-hubby in case he needs to apply to Medicaid [which is different from Medicare].
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