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Hello, I don’t know what La MERP is, but based on your name “grandisle”, I assume this is Louisiana Medicaid. Every state has different rules, but I can say with some assurance that a property sold that far back would definitely be safe.
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grandisle49 Feb 2019
Thank you for your reply.
Should be ok if the property was properly transferred. If you kept it in the elder name for tax reasons, talk to a lawyer. Was it listed on application for Medicaid? Then it wasn’t sold or transferred to child if it’s not on the tax rolls that way.
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97yroldmom Feb 2019
You make a good point Guest. I know La real estate law is a little different but If the property came up on MERPs radar due to not being filed all those years ago might take some explaining.
No, you are way past the look back period.
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