
I open up a few savings accounts at the credit union and I put my father as a co-owner. I did this in case something happened to me and he needed money to pay my bills. I have paid all the taxes on this money and it came out of my payroll savings. He recently died and was on Medicare for a few years. Can Medicare go after this money. I talked to the credit union and they can document where the money came from. Thanks.

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I've never heard of medicare going after someone's money. Are you sure you are not talking about his social security checks or medicaid which does go after money?
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I think you are talking about Medicaid - it is important to keep money separated rather than co-mingling. If he shows as co-owner then they are going to assume it is his money. You might have quite a nuisance proving that it is all really yours. Is it really necessary to make someone else a co-owner? Wouldn't it be simpler to go to the bank and ask them to work with you to give father, sisters, etc. some access short of co-ownership? Like POA?
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no I put my father on my CD as a cosigner ( i trust him!!!) If I was injured on the job and was in the hospital he has access to my money so he could pay my bills..
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Thanks. for your answer.. has anybody else had or heard of this.. we do it in out family and I have my two sisters on my other accounts.. I am single and if something happens to me they can use this money to pay my expense
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Yes, in case I was injured he had access to the money to pay the hospital bills,etc.
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You may want to talk to an attorney
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