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thats what im worried about, my sister lives 6 hours away, and i live in the house. when my mom died recently, i heard her telling my dad that when he dies, the house needs to be sold. im like what? i gave up my section8 to move in and help him out, you dont get those back! but ive done so many improvements and revamping this house that i wouldnt be busting my butt to fix up the house if i have to move. i aske my dad why it has to be sold, he said to pay for moms care center. im like, 'no, her ssi and health care covered the costs,is there a lein on the house? he said no. but i finally got a look at his will, we wants to change it now that my mom died and my brother got locked up for abusing him. i aske him if he would change it to me and my sister make equal decisions, because now, shes got total control over evrything including where he would go if he got hurt. i know shes gonna be pissed, but oh well, im the one that gave up my house and life to help him, i did not give up my section8 if i knew the house would be sold.she dont care about me, i already see her attitude. if the will reads both of us, she cant toss me out becaue they need money.
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