
Can you transfer client to a convalescent home from an Assisted living home due to not being able to take care of herself. Like pooping and peeing in her bed and unable to walk to kitchen to eat her food.

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Gloria, are you asking if Aging Care can transfer a patient? If yes, please note that this website is a worldwide information only website.... we here ask each other questions, get ideas, and the website has very informative articles.

You would need to check with the Assisted Living facility to see who they would recommend to transport a client to a nursing home. Or ask the nursing home who they would recommend. There are private ambulance companies that all they do is transport patients between hospitals to rehabs to nursing homes to doctor appointments, etc. and you would need to pay a fee. Some insurances will help pay for the transport fee.
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If your client can't care for herself it sounds as if a nursing home would be more appropriate than an assisted living facility.
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At some point the AL will be forced to have the patient sent to a hospital. If the patient's family does not address this situation, it will end up in the hands of APS, who will take protective custody.
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