
My best friends mum was taken ill suddenly and had to have a bypass its not looking good so am very worried BUT I sent a text message to another friend where I wrote" I really don't think her mum is going to make it" and oh damn I sent it to my friend whose mum is ill by mistake??? I feel like crap what do you do? Will she take this badly god feel like such an idiot? anyone any advice and a big hole I can crawl into? She sent me a text saying I don't think that text was meant for me? I said I was sorry was just telling a friend about your mum and she hasn't responded? really feel like crap also very down as her mum may die soon and ive know her for years I guess this is it when our friends parents start to die and makes us very aware of our own parents and their passing. anyone got some great advice as to how I deal with this?xx

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Maybe put down the phone and if you can drop by the hospital, I assume your friend is there , and give her a hug. Then say you are sorry, hopefully you do not need to mention it again. For give yourself.
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gosh, I'm so sorry this has happened. Perhaps find her in person and apologize and just say that you were very worried/upset about her situation and you needed a friend to talk to about it. I don't think at this sensitive time in her life she is going to give you up as a friend, she needs you now more than ever. Just don't dwell on the mistake and that's all it was .. a mistake.
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thanks guys! Ha! dark humour you gotta meet my bro he said "well look at it this way if she does die just say look I told you so"!!! I know what a messed up dysfunctional family we are but that's our way of dealing with crap laugh it off!! Must be an Irish thing!xx
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Ok have sent her a text asking her to pop in for coffee on way back from hospital and that id understand if she wasnt up to it BUT that I was very worried about her and her sister! all I can do now is wait shes a good friend and dont think she would take this badly but then grief has a strange effect on people so ill just wait and see? Ive done all I can I think and dont want to go on and on but maybe shes not even thinking about it its just me being paranoid. Im upset too as im very emotional right now re my mum as her scans are back tom am hoping they show something that we can put a name on? thanks for all support really needed to hear it felt so low last night after i sent it BUT whats done is done now no point in getting into a state over it! If she texts me back soon then shes ok with me! xx
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Hey,you are human.Actually, in a very dark grim black humor way this is almost funny.I don't mean to belittle how you feel, and I do feel bad for your friend.I tried imagining myself in your shoes and how that would feel.For myself, If I couldn't meet them in person and talk I would do a handwritten letter to communicate,Texting to me,in this situation, and this is just my personal opinion, isn't personal enough.Please ,don't feel bad , if this is the worse thing you ever do you are ahead of most of us.Also ,you'll have to forgive my comment about it being funny.Over the years as a nurse dark humor just develops and I mean some of it is dark.
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On a lighter note! my sister went on a date with this guy a few times then didn't want to see him again she texted her friend ALL the things she hated about him and yes you guessed it sent the text to him by mistake! now that's one way of not getting another date!!
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LOL,, kazzaa, your family needs to stop texting :-)
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You stated an opinion and your friend accidently 'overheard' your opinion. I'm sure your friend has had the same thought, that her mom might not make it through this. Is this something you would say to your friend? Probably not but it's out there now, it was a mistake. She may not be returning your text because she's got a full plate with her mom being so ill. I wouldn't push the issue right now. But if you want to talk to her about her mom or see how her mom is doing, call.

(And yes, this has happened to everyone) :-)
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Thanks guys I cant ask for forgiveness until I know ive upset her! I will just see if she responds later? shes been keeping me updated re her mum all week so unless its very bad right now normally she would text me in the evening and let me know whats happening so I think leave well alone for now but if I dont hear in next few days then ill know ive upset her! Im sure her mums health is all shes thinking about right now am worried about her more as she only started to speak to her mum in last 2months after a huge row years ago! I know she will feel like crap now that she didnt make amends sooner and this is what will be eating her up now but she knows I care and thats all I can hang onto!
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I would but the hospital is far away and its family only! I will see if she texts me tom I just feel so bad no matter how bad she told me her mum was she is still hoping for her mum to pull through and ive been so supportive and now that stupid text. If she dosnt text me I will text her and just ask how her mum is doing? Gosh how awful but you cant turn back clock. thanks for responding I feel so bad. I try and imagine if it was me how would I take it? I think I would just ignore it knowing that it was just a concern and not hurtful I will let you know the outcome cant sleep thinking I may have really hurt her.
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