
A few months ago a caregiver at facility was pushing my mother-in-law in the
wheelchair and she fell out of the chair and had very bad bruises in the front of her face, lucky nose was not broken. When I ask the granddaughter what happen she said staff stated that she put her foot down.
The granddaughter is POA, nothing was done.
This situation really unset me

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What do you want done? These things happen. Elders fall out their beds and their wheelchairs. I saw a young person nearly fall out of her wheel chair not too long ago, it was actually someone I went to middle & high school with, who was in a very bad car crash last year caused by a seizure-the poor woman had a brain tumor removed when we were in middle school and there were lastibg effects from it. Her license had been suspended because of seizures and she ignored it and was driving down the highway last year, had a seizure and rolled the car! And now has a traumatic brain injury. She must be at the rehab around the corner from me because I recently saw her mother pushing her down the street in a wheel chair and out of nowhere she fell forward out of the chair! So these things happen.

So so I mean.....what do you want done? There was likely an incident report taken and the staff involved coached. If MIL has recovered, it’s time to let this go.
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Gardena, all it takes is a split second for an elder to fall out of a wheelchair, even if it is stationary or being wheeled. It can happen at a senior facility or it could happen in your own home if Mom-in-law was living with you.

My own Mom, while sitting in a wheelchair, would reach down because she thought she saw something on the rug, would tumble out. The nursing home tried using a seatbelt, but within seconds the Staff heard the unclick sound, so that idea was shelved. Senior facilities are limited on what they can do due to State Laws.

Sounds like the grand-daughter has good understanding how things like this can happen in an instant. And thankfully Mom-in-law wasn't seriously hurt.
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There was no real injury here. Unfortunately these things do happen. Generally when someone is fragile enough that a bump can cause them to go flying out of the chair there is some soft restraint put on to prevent same. I am not sure the policy at this place, because ANY restraint of ANY kind is generally frowned upon. With no permanent injury, no broken bones, and problems with healing, there would be little done. I am sure the fall was reported. It is worth the POA speaking with the facility re their training methods, but facilities are notorious for poor pay and training. So sorry that this happened. The fact is that accidents DO happen in every walk of life at every age, and it is so lucky there were no bad results from this, as yesterday someone posted about the mother being moved by two caretakers, her foot becoming caught, and a very bad shattering break in the bone. This could be life threatening at a certain age. So sorry all are going through this.
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Gardena Jul 2019
I never stated anything concerning a bump
Maybe I didn't explain this properly, She can wheel herself all over very well, but
because the aide wanted her for something, I believe she was pushing her to
fast which cause the incident.
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I'm glad she wasn't seriously hurt, hopefully the aide learned a valuable lesson from this. You might want to make sure your MIL uses her seat belt from now on.
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