
Just started giving CBD to a person with advanced dementia and could use guidance and more information of benefits to watch for.

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I was at a seminar a little while ago. the presenter was a woman Luba . She is a registered Pharmacist. She has a Masters of Jurisprudence in Health Law.
She did a study at a small Memory Care facility (I think it was in Rockford Illinois) The results that I saw on the video shown was amazing.
She did mention that there are 2 Cannabis bases.
Sativa is what you would want for energy effect
Indica is what you would want for a calming effect.

She also said that you should make first purchases with caution. Do not get talked into buying several products. You want to know what the effects are.
She mentioned and a Dr. Sulac for good information.

The only thing I can add is this:
If it works...great.
Make sure that the person's doctor and or pharmacist is aware that they are getting CBD.
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Grandma1954 Jul 2023
Drat!! did it again,..or didn't do it.
Grandma1954 July 26, 2023 2:05 pm
See 1 more reply
I can only speak for myself, as a CBD user for anxiety and sleep problems.
I use full spectrum CBD gummies (1 nightly) about one hour before bed.
It has only been 30 days, but it has worked to calm my busy brain so I can get at least 7 1/2 hours sleep every night.
I wake up rested and pain free (several autoimmune disorders had also contributed to sleep disturbance). I can barely believe this is working, but the benefits of regular, predictable adequate sleep has made a tremendous improvement in my mood stability AND pain management.
The brand I use (recommended by a poster on this site, actually) is called
They only sell full spectrum cbd, legal in all 50 states, with no more than the allowed 0.03 THC (No, you do not feel "high" from it, or groggy in the morning).
I would feel very comfortable giving this to my sister with vascular dementia, but...I see no need - (thanks to me) she has no anxiety whatsoever, and sleeps 11 hours every night.
Yes, I would clear it with her geriatric specialist first, who I would hope would be more open minded about complementary remedies than other traditional medical professionals.
They clearly have a preference for the drugs they like to prescribe, despite the awful side effects.
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I both took CBD oil and also gave it to my DH Aunt.

My cousin was giving it to her mom who had severe Parkinson’s, her dad and herself.
All persons mentioned had advised their doctors. My aunt who had Parkinson’s had become non verbal and began talking again. My cousin gave all the credit to the CBD oil. Aunts neurologist was amazed. when she first told me, I was concerned it was just a fluke and she would stop in a day or two and my cousin would so sad. Turns out, she didn’t stop for prob a year or more. She had a bad fall and stopped again with that fall. Cousin also firmly believes it pulled her family of 5 through covid. Of course all of this is anecdotal. That neither proves nor disproves that it helps. You will have to try it.

My cousin advised that if it was going to work on a particular problem, you wouldn’t have to wait long to know.

I took it for severe piriformis muscle pain and it worked.
I was leaving on a flight to Montana that was going to involve hiking. I was so grateful when the pain left. I was able to manage my luggage which I was concerned about. Before this I couldn’t even get in the car without severe pain.

I gave it to DH aunt for a tonic. Gave it to her dog as well in his water. It did seem to help both. Although I didn’t give it to her for her skin picking because it hadn’t occurred to me, I believe it stopped that. Her ears and face were so scabbed up with her constant picking. It was awful. We had tried several things that her doctors had suggested. Nothing had worked. But this seemed to really help

About the dosage. One drop under the tongue once a day is what I took amd wht I would start with and you can increase slowly.

You can get it with or without THC. Mine had no THC and it worked for me. Some people say it only works for them with THC. A lot of people like the gummy’s but I’ve never tried them. The cream works for my husbands foot pain he says and he seldom agrees that anything touches his pain when he has it.

I only gave it to aunt to help her feel better while she is living. Not to prolong her life. She is 97 in Oct.

It’s a small investment and as I said, you will know very soon if it helps a specific problem. There are many sources now. I used it five years ago when it wasn’t on every corner. I would not have used it if my cousin hadn’t told me about it and how much it was helping her parents.

Time of day was not a consideration although I took it in the morning. Just once a day unless I had a reason to take more.

I don’t think anyone has ever claimed it would prolong life or cure dementia. Just make a person feel better.

Caregiver5077, take it yourself and you will be able to tell if you find it helps you with aches and pains or agitation People with dementia don’t always recognize their own pain. When DH aunt sprained her ankle she would say it was fine but when the therapist would touch it or ask her to move it, it was obvious that she was in pain.
You may have noticed that with your wife.

Google, how do I know if CBD oil is working and you will see quiet a few links to explore.
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When my Mom was still at home, she used a CBD spray for her arthritis pain and it worked like a charm. In fact, we also gave it to our dog for her joint pain. There were no side effects aside from helping Mom's moods stay more even and optimistic and she slept much better. She was taking blood pressure medicine and a statin, along with dietary supplements, again with no side effects. Unfortunately, the nursing home where she is now won't add it to her daily regimen and she can't really remember to take it like she did before.
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JoAnn29, good point:

OP, what issue are you trying to solve by giving CBD?
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What do you feel CBD will do for this person? If severe Dementia, I would think the damage is already done and there is no reversing it. And at this point, I would not want to prolong the persons suffering.
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Please make sure your LO with advanced dementia gets clearance from his/her physician before giving them anything (even CBD or supplements) so that they can alert you to any possible interactions, and be sure to inform any medical staff in the future if s/he is taking CBD.
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