
Good morning all, This maybe a little different coming from a payed caregiver and not a famiy member ,but you see even those I am a payed private care giver I NEVER charged where families can't pay,I feel my life calling is helping families to keep love ones at home so sometimes I will use a sliding scale pay..Ok now for my question, I take care of a wonderful couple they are 78 & 80 in my line of work that is young ,they could live into their 90's and paying for 24hr care 7 days a week is draining them fast,The family is trying to find cheaper option for night care(I am day girl 38hrs a wk)I worked last nite to fill in and neither one got up well he did but he more or less take care of himself,They do need someone here a night she has some dementia but NOT for 15 bucks an hr!! (I make 13 like I said I try to be fair) so any ideas for cheaper night help??? Ins of any kind is not an opion,Please help with ideas,Thank You

Ps. I think the people are wonderful on here that takes care of Your family at home,but remeber take care of you too!

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I'll ask you this: what DO you think is a fair hourly wage for a person to be available all night at the expense of their own bed and family? To sleep, PERHAPS, with one eye open...respond to calls in the night for assistance immediately...answer bed mentally and physically prepared to respond to health trustworthy amidst the valuables of a up reliably every evening...dispense medication properly...

I hope you get the idea. Is $15 enough? I'm not at all sure. It certainly wouldn't be for me. Is $13 enough for you? You do all these things and no doubt more. The responsibility you hold is immense, in my opinion.

Now back to your question. If you're willing to work for $13 an hour, why not switch your hours to overnight? Does this couple have any family that might need a helping hand with expenses? A college-age student, for example? Trading a home for reliable overnight supervision could be ideal. One has to be very careful about letting a caregiver come live in one's home. They become tenants. There are horror stories galore about these circumstances.

At any rate, this isn't your responsibility -- except for your kind heart and probably a desire to preserve your own job. But individualized 24-hour care is very expensive. Even at $13 an hour. That actually works out to $9000 a month. An assisted living facility with separate a la carte services as needed would be much less.

We had occasion to need 24/7 care for family. We went through a service. For $5000 a month, the service provided a live-in who watched Clarence like a hawk. To give the caregiver relief, the service sent substitutes in a day a week. Discounting services as too expensive is a mistake. Comparing a service against individually hired employees will often favor the service.
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Oops. Now.

Fold your little angel wings back and out of the way when you sit down or you'll get them all wrinkly.

Your clients are lucky to have you. God bless.
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Maggie are u a paid caregiver or caregiver to family member?
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it's difficult to find providers that will stay at night. There are companies that charge more than 15. per hour. they can advertise for night providers, however they need references and a background check.
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