
So, it's been awhile since I've posted. Caregiving while finishing up my degree keeps me pretty busy! Happy to report, this is my final semester!! Yay:) I graduate in December with 3 Associates degrees in Office Administration. Office software, office finance, and general office. It took a long time but finally paying off. This semester I'm doing a internship with Hospice. I am processing medical claims for palliative care. This is really exciting for me because coding & billing is a passion that got me into school. So, super busy with that and my final class, Excel and of course taking care of mom and 19yr old son. It feels never-ending sometimes. Like the day never ends! Just wanted to check in because caregiving is super stressful and time management, especially with school right now seems like a top priority. Any tips on how you manage it all? I plan to get a planner so I can track things better but definitely open to tips you may have. We are all from different walks of life but I know with caregiving you have to be resourceful and creative. Hope you all are getting by fine and your loved ones also! Love & light.

Xoxo Dianne

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I love that you have found your passion and been able to pursue it. Congratulations on your degree coming. It sounds to me like you are managing well and could give us all as many tips as you could get. You should be really proud of yourself. I hope you have a great career ahead, and hope you stick around the forum here and there because your career could lead to needed insight for others. Stay well and stay safe. Hugs.
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DianneKK Sep 2020
Thanks so much AlvaDeer!! I really appreciate your kind words. It does feel like a super exciting time. Looking back, not sure how I managed so well, but so glad I made it happen. Mom's health is declining, slowly, but declining. I feel bad sometimes because school takes so much of my time. I still make sure she has everything and her needs met, but like everyone here knows, it's super hard. She is now in therapy and they come to house to help with mobility. It helps knowing she has them visiting. Thanks again & best of luck!!💜
Congrats on your academic achievement! As far as managing, I've found my highly secure password keeper app to be very valuable. Not only do I store pw's in it, but also documents, like my mom's SS card, license, banking and assets logins, her doctor's contact info, passport, prescription medications...everything. You can get a family license so that all 3 of you can use it, but you can also partition it so no one can access info that you don't want them to see. It works across your phone, tablet and laptop. Get a portable scanner or find a scanning app for your phone, which will help.
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DianneKK Sep 2020
Thanks for your reply! I definitely need a digital source for important documents so will check it out!
Love & Light💜
Take some time every evening and write down everything that went on that day. Write down everything as mundane as what time Mom got up, what she had for breakfast, how she felt. If you took her to an appointment, write it down. If she bonked her leg on something, write it down. She'll have a bruise in a few days and you won't remember how she got it, but you can check back in your book and find it.

It's amazing how much you can relax when you dump the day's activities in a book. It makes it easier to remember what happened when without wracking your brain.

I started one when my dad got sick, and two years later, I still use the same spiral-bound notebook to write down all the stuff going on with my mother now. I was never one to keep a journal or anything like that, and I still make my to-do lists elsewhere, but if it has to do with Mom, it goes in the book.
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I only work p/t and I have taken leave now for 3 months but I found that cutting out social media during the daytime helps me a lot. I check Facebook/news etc only at night. Making a to-do list and plowing through them - no matter what - is also a big helper for me.

I'm so excited for you that you have a future of hope. Coding & billing is a great field - lots of good luck!
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