
Right after mom fell and fractured her pelvis, she spent 8 days having a “respite” as defined by hospice in a nursing facility. Before the visit she usually tended to have hard stools. I managed this by feeding her lots of fiber etc. she had regularly movements every day.

Since returning from the facility she has huge, very soft movements every day. It requires half a roll of toilet tissue and about ten wipes; followed by soap and water to clean her up. I wonder why the color is light brown, so soft, so huge day after day. Different than before she went. What has changed this? Is it a sign that she is not digesting her food? Has she contracted bacteria? I am not sure what to do differently.

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Sounds like post nursing home her bowels are finally working normally. Hard, dark stools are not normal.
Lighter color stools mean the bowel contents are moving quicker through her system. Unless she has watery diarrhea there is no need for concern.
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Consult a gastroenterologist. Don’t agree to a colonoscopy but do get the opinion of someone trained in this area.
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JoAnn29 Jul 2022
Its been recommended that after the age of 75 colonoscopies never be given. I got my first and seems last, last year at age 72. The lining thins as we age and perforation may occur. This can cause death.
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