
I'm one of two caregivers for my grandma who's 81yo.(My mom is the other. Im 43, moms 62) My grandma has mobility issues.osteoarthrotis and hip problems. she wont even let us TRY to help her in and out of the shower. Shes been doing 'washups' for more than a year.In the last few months I sense that shes given up on even washing up.She also has instances where she loses control of her bladder -and a couple of times, her bowels because she will hold it in so long.(she refuses to swallow her pride and say she needs help getting out of her chair.and when she finally heads to the bathroom- its too late) my grandma lies and says she took a shower when we were gone.there are no dirty towels or wet rags, plus we know she cant get in/out of shower without help.I dont know if shes flat out lying, embarrassed, or if she believes that she showered. My grandma has mild dementia and mobility/ pain issues. she pretends shes doing fine when we know shes not.Shes also pretended that she needs help when shes just trying to manipulate us into spending several days at her house.(my mom and I take turns spending 2-3 days with my grandma on the occasions when shes depressed or in too much pain to care for herself.but on the occasions when shes able to move around and take care of herself we go home and spend time relaxing.but My gma makes us feel guilty for going home. she talks about how she might as well die.and she refuses to talk when we call her because we went home for the night.shes VERY mean and manipulative) I'm sorry I'm jumping around on topics.I'm just so sick if her making me feel like crap when I want to spend a couple of days at home with my own children and grandson. For now im asking How do I convince her to bathe and take better care of herself? Her house smells like urine.The time that I mopped and bleached her kitchen and bathroom she was embarrassed and cried all she took offense and said if I had a problem with her house I didnt have to come over.Her rugs and the chair she sits in smell like urine and I'm concerned that someone from senior services will say she's being neglected .I've mentioned before that this was a concern, but she gets depressed, cries and becomes hateful... and still no shower.(she had someone from HHC that came over every other day for 'bathday' but my grandma lied and said she'd let me or mom wash her.she tells ppl what they want to hear and sends all professionals away.We're stuck being caregivers whether we want to or not.Shes refusing dr appts that will get her the pain meds she needs so she can move around unassisted.I seriously feel like she's doing this on purpose because we're forced to be here caring for her as long as shes in pain.To her, as long as she is in pain, we have to be here... and she doesn't want to live alone anymore. but we have lives to live also.I feel so guilty.but mom and I are missing out on so much by catering to my grandma.(and dont even mention assisted living or continued care facility because she will curse you out for mentioning it)

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If grandma won't get herself help or allow you to help effectively, then you may have to practise some tough love and leave her be. You can't reason with dementia. Ahe can only hold you hostage if you volunteer.

Ahe sounds as though she is long past the stage of being able to manage at home with occasional help. I wiuld call the local area agency on aging and tell them that she won't let you care properly for her. I would also write hwr doctor a letter, sent with a return receipt, outlining your concerns about her care, hygeine and safety. He can't five YOU information, but you can certainly let HIM know what's going on.
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debbra, lots of us have tried to keep parents at home as long as possible. I think grandma is at the point where she would benefit from Assisted Living. They would have nurses and an MD that see her at the facility. They have bath aides, they change the linens, they cook the meals. You have gone past the catering phase to the getting emotional abuse phase. Save your mom. Save yourself. Get grandma to a safe place.
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debbra523, it sounds like your grandma isn't real happy.... wouldn't it be great if she could be in a continuing care complex where she is around people of her own generation to talk to, gosh all the things they could talk about that they would all have in common.

There is a time where the elder no longer has a vote... they need to be somewhere that is elder proof, and which has 3 shifts of caregivers to help with whatever they need. I know it won't be easy, and grandma will probably dig in her heels big time. See if any of the assistant living facilities have a free luncheon where you could take her... who knows, she might ever find someone she knows that lives there :)
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Easier said than done, but, you need to get tough, stand up to grannie, do what has to be done and get your life back. Someone posted elsewhere, "Why do we let little old ladies push us around?" Screw the guilt, you can't let her do this to you.
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my grandma would not get along with anyone..sad to say.she doesnt want friends.only us prisoners. (mom and I) according to my grandma, she isnt leaving her house until the coroner comes.We cant force her to leave.Her dr doesnt know shes declining and neglecting herself because she is refusing all appointments.and she cancels every appointment.her dr refuses to communicate with us because if privacy laws.and without her signature, we're in limbo.And according to my grandma, in her own words "she aint signing a GD thing". its so selfish! she cries saying " i know you wanna be home with your own family.I hate being a burden to you. " its emotional manipulation and its been going since as far back as I can remember.Plus as a Christian, I feel horrible for being so pissed at her. the whole refusing dr appts' is a huge sore spot with me. WHO willingly wants to be in pain? and if she insists on not going to her dr, sometimes I want to tell her to shut up abt pain if shes not going to make an appt.Even now, I worry someone will see my post and tell me how horrible I am for being hateful.I WANT to date. I WANT to go to church and be with my friends.I even want to be bored at my own home .but she starts in with the guilt trip. "it must be nice to go must be nice to be able to walk Must be nice....."
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Paul said something to the effect of, if a man will not work, he should not eat either. 2 Thess 3:10. If a person chooses not do a thing, it is biblical for the rest of us to allow that person to suffer the consequences. Not taking care of herself and emotionally abusing her caretakers means someone else has to be called in.

Why? Because you want to take care of her - she deserves being cared for just because she's human.

How? Get Adult Protective Services involved and get them to help you get guardianship through the courts. If a person is "in need" and family is not able to afford the court costs, APS can go for the guardianship and request that it be given to a qualified family member.
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Thanks for the advice.Im trying to encourage my mom to create an account on here also so that she can talk to other people who deal with her situation.Ultimately its going to be her decision when to contact aps and move forward.I sure hope itll be soon because resentment and guilt sure are taking its toll.
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Maybe she wants attention. Think about a place where she will be able to talk with people of her generation.
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Anytime your in a rock and a hard place situation, get a shrink. A shrink will get you fresh eyes, and tell you the exact words to say to grandmom. You are giving all the power over to your grandmother. I would start telling your grandmom all she does right. How brave she is. Compliment her on any bit of cleaning she does, self or apartment. You want 5 compliments to every negative comment. Then adult to adult, not grandmom to granddaughter, tell this has to stop. she and the apartment gets cleaned twice a week.Make a schedule, put it on a calendar. Be honest tell her she is wearing your Mom and you out. If things don't change, she will be in assisted living. She will argue, kick and scream. Stand firm. Tell her you are sick of the fights. Compromise on once a week. Let both of you have a victory.

You are in a crazy tug of war here. You need to pick your battles. Your life has become all fight and no fun with grandmom. Pull back, try to get some laughter and enjoyment back into the situation. Clean that house whether she likes it or not, then plop a big kiss on her and tell her she is welcome.

You're not alone. Stop the guilt and worry. it never helps, and just wears you down. I am heading back to the shrink, because their is a situation I can't handle. He will tell me what to do. It is a great relief. Good luck, honor your grandmom's autonomy, and maybe she will come around. You can't place her in assisted living without her permission, and you can't let this situation continue.
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See if she will go visit her doctor, let him know what's going on. Maybe he will be able to control her pain better if he knew what she is using now isn't working. People are afraid of falling in the shower/tub, a walk in model is great but many times it's just not affordable. A sponge bath is better than no bath, offer to assist her with it, you can do the 'difficult to reach' parts, this way you can see for yourself how well she can do or not do. While she is 'bathing' discuss family or reminisce about past events, while she is distracted you can wash her and before she knows it her bath is complete. It's difficult for any of us to realize we can no longer do the things we used to do, it's not always easy for people to ask for help. If she had less pain, bathing would be easier for her. Is there a tub chair? if not get one, she can use it to sit on while sponge bathing, and if you are lucky, you can convince her she can use it in the tub. You can assist her with getting in and out of the tub, this should help to lessen the fear of falling. If she has some dementia, she may not have the same feelings about bathing as she once had. Dementia changes the person we know, they become someone 'else' but the same. Don't be to pushy, I have found this doesn't go well, I wouldn't like it if it were me. Enjoy the time you have left, pick your battles, while cleanliness is important, it's not worth a huge fight to get her in the tub when a wash off will do. It may not be who she used to be, but it's who she is now. Don't feel guilty, you do what you can and that's all you can do. Love her for one day she will be gone.
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