
In front of restaurants, in yards while on walks.

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Yikes! In my state of MA if he gets caught he'd be arrested as a sex offender! Try telling him that!!
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I guess I'd try and find out if it's because he just can't hold it, or if he has dementia. I think first thing I would is take him to his primary care physician for an evaluation. That's a hard one to handle, I'm sorry for you!
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Yes he can be arrested for indecent exposure. You do not say if he has dementia. Get a necklace or bracelet that states that if it is true. Then have him wear an undergarment, get the dr. to prescribe a patch to limit urination, but definitely this behavior has to stop. Talk to dr. about any other med that would curtain this need to pee where ever he is.
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Hi there,

is your dad aware of what he is doing? if he is and just can't "hold it", he might need an eval for a urinary infection (or other bladder related issue) through his or a urologist. short term, some adult depends or underwear "bladder control guards" would probably be prudent.
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Hello, The guy is 90 years old and yes he does have or is well on his way to dementia. That should be very obvious. He need to be wearing adult diapers for starters and needs to be watched over 24 hours a day. He will not be arrested by any police. They are not stupid. His caregivers need to understand he is no longer the person he was and needs to be cared for.
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Talk to his urologist. See if he his emptying his bladder completely when he goes. If not, urologist might suggest a catheter. At 90 I would be surprised if he did not have urinary tract issues.
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He won't be arrested as a sex offender. The worst he can get is Assault with a Dead Weapon.
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He could be charged with indecent exposure even if he has dementia. The police wouldn't just say "oh that's OK", and walk away. The dementia would just be the excuse: innocent by due to diminished (mental) capacity. It would still be a very upsetting situation. And the result could likely result in his going into some kind of facility (I don't mean jail)
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I dont know what to say this is awful. I would speak to his doctor asap. my mum pees on her bedroom floor or in anything she can but only in her bedroom?

Let us know what happens how sad for him and how embarrassing for you.

Hugs and hope you sort this out!
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My husband has started doing this as he is having a harder time controlling his bladder. But where we live you can pee outside as we don't have any close neighbors..hopefully he doesn't do this anywhere else! But I was interested in hearing about a patch?? Will check into that!
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There is a patch for use in hyperactive bladder. Transdermal oxybutynin (same drug as Ditropan). It is brand name is Oxytrol and is available over the counter, but I highly doubt if this is this man's problem. From the way the OP stated the problem, I don't get the impression that it's a matter of "control", more a matter of inappropriate behavior. Oxytrol won't help that, and isn't really intended for men. Over active bladder is for the most part a woman's issue. With men frequent urination is more likely a prostate problem, or a UTI. No matter what the cause, he still needs to see a doctor.. But solving that will only cause him to urinate with normal frequency, giving him fewer opportunities to exhibit his inappropriate behavior, (no pun intended). It won't stopping him from peeing in public when his bladder is really full, if: ... he doesn't remember that it's inappropriate, doesn't have the cognitive ability to discern WHEN it is and is not appropriate, or merely doesn't care that it's inappropriate. In those cases, telling him he's going to be arrested is not going to have any effect whatever.
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For Kashi60, Your husband sounds like a different problem from the OP's Dad. It sounds like he would not pee in public, if only he could hold it back, like he is trying to not pee in public, but has a urinary control issue. That would NOTbe a dementia problem. He needs to see a urologist.(Do not be tempted to try the Oxytol on him. It could very well be the exact opposite of what he needs.)

The OP's dad seems to not be trying to go in the right place, instead, just peeing whenever and wherever the urge strikes. That indicated a mental process problem, not a urinary tract problem
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Thanks GayleY...I am going to make an appt for him with a geriatric Dr. and try to get an overall assessment of his health. His regular Dr doesn't seem to be much help.
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This could be a regression to infancy. Don't allow him to go out alone in public and if he really has to go and there is no restroom handy steer him somewhere private. The only other thing you can do is make sure he uses the bathroom on a regular schedule. The geriatrician may have some other helpful suggestions.
I don't know what to do in the house except maybe put plastic trash cans in each room.
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I'm sorry, guess I have been at this so long,nothing surprises me anymore... one day I was bringing Ruth back to the house.... ooops, forgot the potty chair at her daughters... ran to get it... as I am walking back, there she was squatting on the porch.... good grief... no big deal..... I laughed, got her in the house, cleaned her up.. cleaned up the porch and it is one of my favorite memories of her.....
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Kashi60- I am sorry for suggesting Oxytrol which is a patch for women only, in that it may suggest something else is wrong with a male, and not recommended. Women can buy this patch over-the-counter at any pharmacy (I bought mine at Walmart for $15 for 4). He may have prostate stones or a prostate enlargement which would cause him to want to urinate frequently and not be able to explain why. Get to a urologist ASAP.
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