
My dad lives by himself my mom passed away 11 years ago dad has parkasions and other health problems I have been staying with 4 days a week for 4 months I can't stay with all the time because I have a house of my own and a husband and a 10 year old daughter I can't stay with him any more because it is affecting my marriage and child with me not being home very much and because I have not been able to work finances has been bad. We have given dad many options of moving in with us he refused he will do anything so I can be with my family and help him also he pays a lady 600 a week to stay with him 3 days and I am afraid he will run out of money he has land at the lake to sell but he won't do it he has a brand new truck that he can't drive he could sell he will not do that he will not give me poa because he tells people that he doesn't trust me he has his girlfriend to do all of his banking she won't do his bills because she says it my problems because I am his child but she has no problems going to the bank and drawing money out for him. My dad talks down to me all the time his temper is driving me crazy to the point I have became depressed and my axiety is off the wall I have brother will not realize how bad dad is and offers no help my daughter therapist says I need to get out of saturation. but yet I am being told that he can't live by himself I just don't know what to do anymore others than just walk away and let him figure it out on his own

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Walk away and let him figure it out. Take care of your husband and daughter. You are in a no win situation with your dad and you are enabling him by allowing him to treat you this way. If you think he has dementia and his girlfriend is taking advantage of him call Adult Protective Services and report it.
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Why are you even involved. If he doesn't like the options you are giving him them walk away and let him figure it out. You don't have to give up your life so he can keep his the same. It is not fair to your child.
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You've offered your dad a room at your house and he refused. He won't assign POA to you. You spend more time with your dad trying to care for him than you do with your own family. He has new truck he can't drive but he won't sell it. Same with his land at the lake. It sounds as if he is unwilling to do anything to help his situation and to help you help him. When someone needs help and we offer and offer and offer and the person who needs the help continues to refuse we have no other choice at some point than to walk away. And by walking away I don't mean shutting the door and saying goodbye forever. I mean withdrawing any support you may have been giving your dad. From what you described he doesn't want it, doesn't think he needs it, so just take it back. You can still call him occasionally to see how he is but I think you've tried for long enough to help your dad. As you said, let him figure it out.
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