
He has been living in my house for a year and a half. He is a classic narcissist and has always been a sex addict. I am moving him into AL this week, which has had him in a rage all weekend. The police have been to my home 3 times since yesterday bc he is telling my neighbors I am abusing him and stealing his money, and bc he has tried to run away. My children are 17, 14, and 9. I feel sick to my stomach. Has anyone gone through something similar?

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Getting him into the ER and refusing to be involved at all in discharge planning - you can tell the discharge planner ONCE the reason why (don't discuss it further, it gives them an opening to try to coax you to try again, etc). Ideally he will end up at the VA - if he is insolvent, homeless, and of questionable cognitive capacity/ability to care for himself the VA is the place that has to take him in. None of the facilities will keep him with sexually inappropriate behavior, if it isn't easily controlled with meds.
Law enforcement tries very hard not to get involved unless there really is imminent harm - if your dad can control his behavior around them, he is probably not impulsive enough to meet their criteria.
You do need to get him out, you know that.
Helpful Answer (4)

Just keep saying "no, we cannot possibly care for him; he is endangering our children".

If this continues (if he ends up at your home) you call APS because he is a danger to others and have the parents of the other children report his actions to the local police.
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Moving day is tomorrow. He has told us again that he will not go. I’m thinking we drop him there, and wash our hands of this whole thing? If they need to send him out for not cooperating, just have him sent to ER and make the state take over from there.
My intentions were good and I was trying to save him from hurting himself or someone else, or from ending up in an institution, but this has came back to bite me in the a**. Everyone else in his family knew better, but my heart got the best of me.
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This video may help give an explanation about the inappropriate sexual talk.

It’s from Teepa Snow, and is about dementia and language skills:

You may want to look into Memory Care.
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Well I hope when the police came you told them about the sexually explicit things he has been saying to the children, so they know hes not all sugar! They are normally used to dementia pts being a pistol to deal with. I agree you may need MC
Helpful Answer (3)
Jenn83 Aug 2021
I did multiple times and they still wouldn’t take him in for an evaluation.
If he's as out of it as you're saying he's be better off in a memory care facility and not an AL.
Assisted living will not put up with someone like this for very long and you will have to move him to a memory care facility.
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Jenn83 Aug 2021
Honestly, this isn’t so far off from his pre-dementia self. I think the dementia is just making his narcissistic personality worse.
Moving him to AL - good.

Keep him away from the children until then. Or if not possible, ensure supervision at all times. Can the 17 yr old call out in appropriate language to supervise if you cannot?

Explain to the Grandkids it is the disease. That his brain is breaking.

Yes this can happen. I have come across families where an elder had to placed in care & only received visits from grandchildren under strict supervision. Some cease visits entirely.

If he worsens, consider a mental health ER admit until next week.
Helpful Answer (4)

Call 911 next time he goes off, and tell them he's sexually abusing minors (verbal abuse). Refuse to take him back after he's hauled off. He's a danger to your children. If he ends up on the streets or in prison, so be it. Get a restraining order if need be. It's time for him to pay the price for a lifetime of bad decisions.
Helpful Answer (8)
WendyElaine Sep 2021
Do not claim he is sexually abusing minors. He is not.
I would see if Dad qualifies for a VA home. I doubt if an AL will take him. Men and women are not kept separate. Or get him on Medicaid and place him in a NH. Will be quicker than getting him A&A and into a VA hospital. No loan needed.
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Let the state take over. You risk getting your kids taken away or the parents of one of their friends bringing a civil suit against you for exposing their child to abuse.

This is one of those "just say no" situations.
Helpful Answer (12)
Jenn83 Aug 2021
What is the easiest and safest way to legally go about doing that?
Let the state take guardianship.

You have young children that need you and he has made his choices.

I wouldn't contribute anything more after he is moved to AL.

Have a talk with your Aunt and explain that you love her and you don't want the relationship or lack of with your dad to have any bearing on the relationship you two have. If she lets him come between you, well, that's on her and her loss.
Helpful Answer (6)
Jenn83 Aug 2021
Thanks. None of his family honestly would even care. He has burned bridges with everyone over the years. Interestingly, his twin sister was exactly the same and my cousins went through it with her.
See 1 more reply
I have tried having him admitted for a psychological evaluation at a hospital but the police refuse to dispatch an ambulance bc he “puts on the act” in front of them, and they say he does not meet the criteria.
Helpful Answer (1)
BurntCaregiver Aug 2021
Call the police and an ambulance if he's in a rage or behaving abusively. He will be taken to the hospital. When he is there ask to speak to a social worker. Tell the social worker that you cannot and will not have him back in your home because you are unable to provide care for him. Let them know that he sexually inappropriate and that you have minor kids living in the house. The hospital will keep him admitted until it's time to go to the AL, or they will find facility placement for him. If you refuse to allow him back to your house it will make no difference what kind of act he puts on for the cops or the ER staff. They will not return him back to your home.
Inappropriate Sexual Behavior. It's quite common. Good move finding him a facility, kids cannot be exposed to that. Does the AL also have MC? Dad may need that sooner rather than later.
Helpful Answer (7)
Jenn83 Aug 2021
It does not offer memory care, but I am at my wits end and need him placed ASAP. He has never saved a dime, his bank account was in the negative when he came to stay with us and he has no assets. For a “dad” that has never given a crap about me or anyone else but himself, I will not and can not contribute financially. I worked from home, but I haven’t been able to do so in about a year bc I’ve been caring for him. His other two children (my half-siblings) rightfully refuse to help. I am working on getting him a bridge loan until he can receive VA Aid and Attendance. Any advice?
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