
When he finally wanted to talk to me she took his cell phone from him. Over a month went by and I bought him one. The next day she must have taken it. There was only one day of activity on it. She’s his POA. Can she just keep lying like that and get away with it? My dad once told me he had a trust for me in his will. I do have a disability. Now I don’t know. My dad gave my other sister a number to call for a copy and he said his wife was POA and ask her but we know how she is. In 1984 when her 1st husband died, her own son took her to court for forging the will. She got off. She use to be a court reporter. When my dad spoke to me a 2nd time she stopped her visits to him. He has been in a nursing home several months now. Before he was in the hospital and Rehab.. Is this misconduct on her part? What can i do? I love my father so much and we were the closest ever and now this is torture to me.

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If you have the funds, I would certainly contact and elder care attorney. He or she could certainly put you on the right path. In my opinion, I would say this woman is violating his rights and is a form of elder abuse. Good luck and keep us posted on the matter.
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Sounds disheartening. You can visit him in the NH, right?

Contact an elder attorney regarding your suspicions.
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I am on limited income. How can I pay for a lawyer to address these issues? I am the only one in the family that she has done this to.
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