
Weak, sleeps for days at a time, very little food, little cereal, boost or pepsi (he lov

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Prayers for you and your father. You should have Hospice to help you. Call them.
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I am so sorry for your father's condition. Do you have a question for us about it?
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Hi Juanita. Is your father at home? Or in a nursing home? If he's at home, is he under hospice care? Is he drinking his fluid by mouth? Each person has a different timeline on when they pass away once they stop taking in food/fluid. Some can last for weeks, others a few days. If he's at home, hospice can tell you more on this.

I'm trying to recall when mom had reached this stage and how long it took before she passed away. I knew that she had reached the final stages when she slept all night. Mom was the opposite of most people here. Mom slept all day, and laid awake all night. So, when I woke up one morning, and saw that she was still sleeping from lastnight, I knew she was at the end. She had stomach tube and only 1/4 of the small can of nutrition milk would go down. Her skin around her legs were wrapping tightly around her leg bones and creeping upward. I was shocked one morning as I was changing her gown, to suddenly see how sudden her shoulder blades had sunk in. I felt soooo guilty thinking that I was starving her (because her stomach no longer took as much fluid as before.) All I can say is... when mom started struggling to breath (like short panting sounds), I knew it was really close to the end. I texted all my siblings in the US mainland. Then we tried to get hospice service. Too much red tape involved when you have Medicare. Her doctor doesn't do home visits. The hospice won't come unless the doctor sees mom and then orders it. Mom was so close to the end, we decided not to subject her to a rough ambulance ride to/from the clinic. So we contacted APS (adult protective service) if they can intervene with the clinic to have someone come over and just look at mom. 9 days later, mom passed away in her sleep....without hospice service.

FYI, I only truly knew that mom was in the end stage when I saw all these changes to mom and came on here to Agingcare and relayed what I'm seeing. Several people here told me that my mom was really close to the end. Inside, I was not really accepting it even though my eyes saw the signs. I needed people here to tell me what I refused to accept. I wish I could be more of help to you. I just remember panicking at that time, and busy trying to deny it. {{hugs}}
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