
I've read several posts that folks who are caregiving do not have the energy to date, and I agree. Is it that the energy is not there to date in general, or if you met someone whom you really, really liked would you still not have the energy to go out? In other words, would you turn down a date with someone if there was a lot of chemistry? My situation is that I'm not much interested in dating anymore, and I'm not sure if it is because of the stress of caregiving, or perhaps because I'm getting older in general, or a combination. I'm just trying to think ahead, as where I live, some of the local hotels will be having holiday singles dances in a couple of months, and I'm undecided if I will go. Would you have the energy to establish a new relationship with someone while caregiving? Would like to hear any opinions/thoughts from any single/divorced caregivers regarding dating?

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This is a great discussion! I am a single parent and I also am a caregiver of my grandpa. I often get tired and worn out and I used to be a go go party girl before the caregiving "business". Went out to karaoke bars and dance clubs. When you are in the position where it requires a lot of physical and mental stamina, you want to get some R & R often. And dating and starting new relationship you need energy for that as well. All I can do at the moment is dream about a relationship when I'm sleeping and recharging my batteries.
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Im not asking for much:kind,caring,intelligent,romantic,fun,young at heart,a job,likes the simple things in life,travel,spritual,great sense of humour,loves my cat,loves animals,outdoors,nature and dosnt take life seriously!!!!!

If you find him send him over here ill pay his fare!
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You know, I actually found the perfect man -- a widower. He and I get along so well. We talk easily and enjoy playing games together. I enjoy being with him very much. The trouble is that he is 82 and not in the best health. Sometimes we kid and I tell him if I was older or he was younger we could get married. And you know, it's true.
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My mum used to say "im so tired even if LIAM NEESON was at the door to bring me on a date Id refuse!" NOW i understand id need at least a weeks sleep before id even think about going on a date.
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lassoeing a locomotive still paints a hilarious mental image tho. lol. 2 of my posts were erased. whoever narced out those posts probably needs to learn to laugh. elders like ourselves steaming up the car windows? offensive??
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I do believe that it is possible to date and be a caregiver. I have a friend who is caring for her mother who started to date a widower who was taking care of his mother. His mother passed a few months ago and guess what? , They are getting married next weekend! At least the new spouse really understands what it takes to be a caregiver in their case. In addition to that I think dating while caregiving forces you to make some ME time and to get out of the house a bit as well as not have your every minute focused on caregiving. All very healthy things! Makes life a little more complicated but well worth the effort.
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I had a couple of dates recently. The only real problem was that I didn't like him. He was too aggressive. I guess he had bought into the idea that older women make better lovers because they are so grateful. Sheesh! Hands off, jerk. Thank goodness for cell phones so I could see if it was him that was calling. I think he's gotten the idea now that I'm not interested.

Anyway... I don't see any problem dating. I did have one other problem with relating, and it was me. Everything seemed so superficial. What I would really love to find is a man with a sweet spirit, instead of one that acts like a teenager.
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jessie - I never worry about age. G is 13 yrs younger than me - my ex was 16 yr younger. Always seems to be that way for me. I think it is the relationship that counts. We enjoy being together very much too.
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JB take note of Emjo there is still hope for us!!
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I loved the online dating thingy. You can flirt to your hearts desire while home in your flannel PJ's and no one is the wiser. So many men so little time! A little flirting does a girl good! It's wonderful to feel desirable. M and I met online 7 years ago and the rest is history!
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