
My mother was diagnosed with alzheimer's a few years ago and has had good and bad days. Lately she has become more and more agitated and violent towards my step father. She calls him every nasty name in the book and threatens to throw his belongings out and tells him to get out of her house. He's about done and has spoken to doctors, but he can't get the help he needs without the doctor giving my mother an evaluation. The problem is that she won't go to a doctor because she refuses to acknowledge that something's wrong with her. If one even brings it up, she gets violent. We don't know what to do. She's not ready for a nursing home. Is anyone out there experiencing this?

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My mother loves going to the doctor because she is getting attention. What she doesn't like is that she can't have Valium anymore - makes her madder than an old red hen. I was just thinking - you could make your mom an appointment for a checkup and don't tell her that's where your going. Then when you get to the doctor's office tell her you need to go in and fill out some papers that the doctor called you about. Then say - well while we are already here the doctor wants to visit with us....once you get her in the doctors office she can either throw a fit or not. Either way the doctor will be able to make a determination of what you are dealing with b
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