
I did a power of attorney over 5 years ago and I want to delete it. What did I need to do?

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You issue a revocation, in writing, signed and witnessed. Send a copy to the person you appointed as POA.
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You also can have an Attorney draw up a new Power of Attorney where you appoint someone else to represent you.   That will cancel out the previous POA.   Then the Attorney can mail notice to the previous person.

Just make sure you draw up a new POA, and update any other legal papers.   It is always good to have everything current as States do tend to change their laws.
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If you'll forgive my curiosity, what led to your change of heart? I just wonder if it might serve as a useful alert for others thinking of creating a POA (as I happen to be).
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My Father went to his lawyer and had a new one created then he went to his banks and made sure they were aware of the update.
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