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Husband takes it and I am sure it caused his dementia. Just look at Julian Whitaker's website.
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Yes Brandywine I do believe it has contributed to my gma's cognitive decline. There is no family history of dementia in our family and I have been in doubt about her memory problems being a dx of dementia. I have done research and came to the conclusion that it is possible the statin she takes is causing her problems. She has muscle weakness, memory issues and is tired all the time. All of these are side effects of the med. I did call her doc and discussed this and she gave me the ok to stop my gma from taking the statin. I sure hopes she can at least get back some of her life! I'm sure not everyone has side effects from these drugs, although those that do are suffering!
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My husband was on Lipitor and I had them discontinue it within a year because of leg pain. I asked his doctor if I could please put him on Niacin instead and he recommended 500mg a day, which is what I was going to do. He wanted Steve on non-flushing which disappointed him as he actually likes the feeling, LOL! His cholesterol has remained within normal levels.

The more I know about statin drugs, the more shocked I am that doctors continue to prescribe them!!! I think we should call it malpractice now.
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My husband and I have done research on statins and refuse to take them. He has several problems that cropped up shortly after starting statins. Everybody we know has discontinued them after doing their own research. I'm currently trying diet to help my cholesterol with my doctor's ok because she knows my view on statins.
Bailey, I am on your side especially knowing what I discovered. The risks can be life threatening. It's scary!
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Gma's been off of the drug for two days and I already notice her being more alert. If I determine that this drug has caused her problems I am going to see an attorney to file a suit, believe me! I sure hope that if anyone reads this and is taking Simvastatin that they will stop taking it immediately if they are having side effects!
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p.s. Nine years later I now I have Steve on Coq10 and it seems to be reversing the leg pain. Hoping this is real and permanent.
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Pam, You gotta be careful with niacin as well. Too much too long can cause liver damage. Should get his liver tested once a year.
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Yes I think with diet, exercise, and fish oil we can battle the high cholesterol on our own. I can't believe I've been giving her that pill every night! I feel so bad knowing what it has possibly done to her! Hopefully she will get better, if there aren't any improvements then I know it is truly dementia. I will hope for the best and pray!
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Baileybell, don't be hard on yourself, you had no idea. Most people don't. The people who have problems with statins should be listened to and I don't think they are. I research every medication and ask around before I take it if possible. I used to get so upset with my mom who'd take anything her doc gave her, never questioned it. First, she was a retired nurse who should've known better and second, she had stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver and was taking 23 meds and willing to add more to the pile. Yikes! Patients and caregivers must be informed about these meds. Call me cynical but the pharmaceutical companies and doctors ARE businesses...just sayin'.
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Wow - this is an education - never realized the side effects. My MIL took it after she came to live with us and was already diagnosed with dementia/alz. so don't really know if it expedited the dementia.... interesting...glad I read this.
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