
I recently got a letter from the State of Ohio stating that they were declining my State Medicaid plan and replacing it with QMB, What is QMB?

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QMB is a type of Medicare savings program that helps pay Medicare premiums. The Medicaid QMB (Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program) pays a portion of the Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) and/or Part B (medical insurance) premium.
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QMB will also pay deductibles, coinsurance and more. There are several other Medicare Savings Programs (MSP) which cover less. Which one a person qualifies for depends on income, generally speaking. A person would get switched from Medicaid to an MSP program when they are receiving Social Security Income and then become eligible for Medicare because they turned 65 or had finally reached 24 months of the waiting tine while on Social Security Disability. More info should be available on your state's welfare department website.
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