
I read a article regarding vitamin D. I confused. Do I have to be directly under the sun. Or will just being outside work. In order to get vitamin D absorbed?

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Get your levels checked and then take a supplement per your doctor's orders. Easiest way to manage it.
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Sunlight on the skin converts the cholesterol in the fatty layers to Vitamin D.
It doesn't take long, you don't have to bake, just like the advice above. Glass does block UVB rays that promote conversion, but still admits the UVA sunlight that produces sunburn.
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Another problem in the north is it's too cold outside to put on the shorts and tee to take a walk. This shouldn't be much of a problem in southern CA this year. You want to expose as much skin as possible to UV, since it is where the D3 is made. You need to be in direct sun. Taking a walk is a nice way to get your D3 and exercise at the same time.

An easier way to get D3 is to drink enriched milk or take a good supplement 2 or 3 times a week. I don't believe in the larger doses recommended on the labels unless one is known to be low in D3. Most people don't need that much.
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Yes, you have to be outside with the rays so it can get absorbed into your skin, not in the shade. Vitamin D cannot pass through windows or your windshield (if you're in your car).
Lately, I've been doing research on the health benefits of sunlight and vitamin d. You can also watch youtube vids about it too. Lots of good info. I do about 15-30 minutes of sun soaking without sunscreen. Sunscreen blocks the vitamin d which is essential for the health. If you plan on staying longer outside, it's best to put on a "safe" sunscreen without harsh chemicals.
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Just get them outside on a beautiful spring/summer/or fall day. My mom is in AL and she loves being outside all the time, residents need it. Weather they get vitamin. C or not
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Just being outside will work but it depends on where you live. Example noon in Miami with the sun out in summer, wearing t-shirt and shorts you can get vitamin D in less than 15 minutes.... noon in Boston with the sun out in summer, it would take an hour. Forget trying to get Vit D in winter if you live up north.

My parents sit on their sun porch in winter and try to get Vit D from the sun, but I just read that you don't get Vit D through glass :(

As for Vitamin D pills, everyone needs to be careful not to over do it... let your doctor run blood work to see if one is deficient for that vitamin. Too much D can cause kidney problems, stomach upset and/or mental confusion.
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Thanks i live in Southern California.
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