
My mother had a yeast infection that started June 29, . Today is aug 21. I am her POA and I wasn't informed until Aug 18. Her groin and anal area is inflammed. Extremely painful, red, scabbed, yellow. It's infected. The day care social worker wants me to keep her there. can I go and get my mother without their consent. I cannot afford a lawyer. She lives in independent living and has vascular demejtia

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If your mom is in Independent Living, they are not responsible for her care. Get your mom to her gynecolgist.
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Who is providing your mother daily assistance with her toileting and bathing care? Is this how they discovered the infection? Did she complain of discomfort? I'm not sure I understand the setup at her Independent Living. It was my understanding that in Independent Living, you had to be able to provide most of your own care. It sounds like your mom is not able to do that.

Why not have an assessment for what her needs are and what level of care she needs right now?

And why is a social worker involved? Was there an investigation?

Is the county operating as her Guardian? Have you been served any papers regarding her situation?
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I had the same thought as Babalou. Independent living is just that: independent. People in independent living aren't monitored or cared for by a staff.

It might be time to consider a higher level of care for your mom. She must have been living with the symptoms of the infection for quite a while for it to get so out of control. As women we know when we have the beginning of a yeast infection. Your mom's dementia may have prevented her from understanding that there was a problem.

Time for the gynecologist.
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Cameron, who noted the infection in June?

When my mom entered a NH, my brothers and I assumed that as PoA, my brother would be informed of everything that was going on. No, he's not. My mom is still competent, so they discuss issues with HER. And of course, because she has vascular dementia, she tells us next to nothing.

We finally got the nh to agree, after everone signed lot of papers, that they would call my brother if anything significant happened.
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Get your mom treated right away, Yeast infections can lead to Sepsis.
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