this is a crazy question but where do most of you dispose of the poop bags? I have so many a day and even double bagging them does not stop the smell. our trash is picked up once a week and after a week the can is rank. Have to take it to car wash ever once in while to really clean it.
I know this sounds strange but I noticed that when I switch mom from those plastic outside diapers to the ones that are cloth-like outside. The smell wasn't so strong. But maybe its me imagining that.
Getting off subject for a second... Those cloth-like diapers are WONDERFUL. They have velcro style tabs and are breathable. Moms bum has looked so good since the switch. They fit very well and she sweats less in that area now. Just thought I would pass that along. I would have never found these unless hospice suggested them.
If you can get the soiled diapers as far away from house as you can will help alot with smell.
Another thing you might consider is her diet. What is she eating & can she tolerate probiotics? If she has a compact stool then you can dispose of it in the toilet & continue to dispose of the pads in a bag. For those who want to be environmentally friendly, there are bags for doggie pick up that are large enough for adult diapers, but they are a bit pricey.