
So my question is or what I need to say is she went ahead and act like a doctor when she diagnosed my mother or something which comes down to she was money hungry and convinced and bullied my mom into giving her power of attorney and to write a living trust and there's seven of us in the family my mom's raised to sell one passed away the oldest funny thing is my mom despises this one daughter and she did it behind my mom's back moment my other sister that's a different story she's trying to do the same thing how or what can we do about this my mom wants it back and my mom's never been to a doctor she's perfectly fine like I said she forgets things she's 85 she's been the best mom to all of us she's never cheated she's never done drugs she's never been drink alcohol since everyone out on date the last 30 years, she doesn't deserve this and we don't know what to do, anyway you have any recommendations, PLEASE LET ME KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU 🙏,


Oh yes one more important thing my mom wanted me to mention is that my sister who bullied her into signing this with no one else around has not came one time to see my mother since she's done this to her my mom is very very Hurt 😞, and now this has made my mom very saddened, my oldest sister died which is my mom's first baby and blueberry are getting over that while my mom is, she reminisces this a lot, about here even talks to her which is perfectly normal so my sister took that two different low as well, so my mom was a little better I mean she was eating again and now with my sister did with the power of attorney in delivering trust my mom's back to not wanting to eat I wanted to go outside to the yard work, sometimes not even get out of her pajamas it's the same way she was acting and my sister passed away as we have got her out of that mood she was doing just fine until all this happened and she just barely told us and this has been months we had no idea till we found out that her water was turned off seeing that my sister took over everything she just turned my mom's power off and water we need desperate help and don't know where to go I've heard your website hopefully he has some answers it's interested in control of all the money so we're scared to death that's my only thing my mother's work life for the pay off my dad for the house and she was very young for my dad was a mess he a drink went to the bars, still the private life that Mom hid from all of us kids but we figured it out later on when we were at domestic violence shelters seem like once every month but then he'd be there and pick my mom up and sweet talk or if you come home so she was very threatened for her all her life she was born in Mexico and he was very old fashioned and he took advantage of this she stayed home and was in fear to ever go anywhere she couldn't even go to the grocery store didn't learn how to drive until she was 50 when she started running with the Domestic violence Shelter, receive for the first time Felt human, power and just good about yourself and she divorced my father, so we thought I guess he found out she was going to and he threatened her she kept that under the hat for very long time so I'm going with this is my two sisters got together and talked about this on their own and they both made a plan to say she's got dementia on their own and then they got an argument so one got my dad to sign the deed over which is wrong with my parents have been divorced which my mom I forgot to say did get on your own two feet and add support and she did get the divorce however my dad's smooth talker and remarried but never came back from the honeymoon just a player so he's been out of the house for 30 years my mom never thought of divorce if she never seen it when you never came back so she just felt that is final and even though my mom paid every penny back in the day 35,000 was a lot for a home and my mom pay my dad off to keep the house now here we are 30 years

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If your Mother has legal capacity (you said she does not have dementia) she can sign & appoint whoever she likes as POA.
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In your entire post there is only 2 periods (.) therefore it's hard to follow your stream of consciousness. Nonetheless, Beatty is right. All your mom needs to do is go to her doctor and voluntarily take a cognitive/memory exam and present the results to your sister (assuming she doesn't show signs of impairment). If she's not very impaired, she's still in control of her own life and assets and doesn't need anyone to be her legal representative. FYI you stated she "merely forgets things..." this can be a symptom of the beginnings of dementia, or other medical issue. How old is your mom?
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Your mother can do another POA and trust. Those have to be signed by the both the person requesting it and the person who will be the POA, and it has to be witnessed and notarized. Your best bet is to get your mom to an elder care lawyer who can up set this, and a will, all nice and legal. This is a good site to find one and look around in:

If your mom is competent then it shouldn't be a problem to do this. When you do, supply a copy of the new POA to her bank and doctor.
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I tried to read your entire post but cannot make sense of it, no punctuation.

What I am able to gather is a problem with the POA. Mom can reassign an attorney anytime she wants if she is not incapacitated.
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