
In the last 9 months my father has purchased three new vehicles. He had a 2014 expedition then decided he needed more money in his bank account so he bought a 2015 Kia then he decided it was too small and he was a truck man and needed a truck and now he has purchased a 2013 Ford F 150 with all the bells and whistles.we have tried to limit his driving because it's pretty scary and we may have to go the route of reporting an unsafe driver to the DMV but this behavior and the purchasing of new vehicles just doesn't make sense. He hasn't been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's so I'm just wondering if anyone else is experiencing with their parent and what to do about it.

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My mom shaved off ONE of her eyebrows today. Oh, and her new shoes FIT better when she wears the left one on the right foot and the right on the left.
Is THAT unusual?
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You need Guardianship and you need it now. Get a Road test: If recommended by the Medical Review Program based on reports from physicians, law enforcement, emergency medical providers, concerned citizens and/or family members, or a Motor Vehicle Division observation. Go to and click on 'medical review' and then 'email response system' to request a medical review/road test. Save a life.
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I had friends who were in their late 80s who kept switching cars. It was something the man enjoyed doing. They had the money, so there was no harm. Now, taxpayers may be a bit uneasy about this. The man had suffered frostbite on his foot from the Battle of the Bulge. Although he had held a very good job since leaving the military after WWII, the government granted him 100% disability and paid retroactively all the way back to the war. He got a big fat check that I personally felt contemptuous about. Nothing was wrong with him, but he played the system and won. It is where he got a lot of the money he tossed around on cars. He and his wife were already fairly well off before the disability started. Sometimes I wonder who is watching the hen house in Washington.
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You say he hasn't been diagnosed with dementia. Are there other unusual behaviors that worry you?

If you feel he is an unsafe driver, report that to DMV. Think how absolutely devastated you would feel if he were involved in a serious accident, especially if someone dies as a result of him still driving beyond a time when it is safe.

Keep an eye on his actions. If his strange actions are limited to playing musical vehicles that is odd but not dangerous. If other odd things become apparent, it would be time to have a medical evaluation done, in my opinion.
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