
I do mom's laundry and they still misplaced 3 complete outfits. I am trying to label all the clothes, but the labels came off. I may not have had the iron hot enough or on long enough. I ordered more and will try a hotter setting.

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I used a black Sharpie and put her name right on the clothes—inside back near the collar.
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Our mom's MC Facility had really excellent laundry service.again we used fine point Sharpie. Not one piece of clothing missing.
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Fine point permanent marker.
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Thrift store clothes
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I used iron on labels from Starlight labels. Follow the directions and they never came off in the NH commercial laundry.
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At both facilities my mother has been in the labels were placed on by the staff. The present one has them on so strongly that I can't even lift them slightly to see the label underneath if I am trying to check a brand or size. I would inquire if the facility has a method they recommend or possibly use. You could consider a magic marker. At least that can't fall off. Just don't put the room number in case it changes.
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