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I take a product called Silencil and it works great.

If you want the phone number to order message me.
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After covid I started having tinnitus. Not enough to drive me crazy, but enough to notice it when things are quiet. When I was in an audiologist's office for my Mom's hearing aid appointment I grabbed a brochure about tinnitus. I think the most that can be done is bio-feedback that teaches your brain to ignore the sound. I would discuss your problem with an audiologist to see what your options are. Do you have Meniere's disease?
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Tinnitus is hearing unwanted noises which can't be stopped. Certain medical conditions can cause tinnitus, but the most common type which appears in old age, is the one in which no cause is found. If a cause of tinnitus is found, treating the cause may eliminate the tinnitus. When no cause is found, the is no way to treat it. However there are several ways to manage it. A device that produces white noise and one that masks the unwanted sound. Also, counseling, tranquilizers, antidepressants, anti-epileptics, hypnosis, bio-feedback, homeopathy, herbal medicine, etc. etc. No treatment has complete success so far. Also, many scammers offer all kinds of products for tinnitus that don't work.
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I had luck buying Banglijian Hearing Aids with noize filtering from Amazon. My mother was having a buzzing sound in her left ear and was complaining about it.
She also had a couple of bouts with musical ear. Who wants to hear "Poor Little Rhode Island" over and over again?
If you can't ignore the ringing, try some hearing amps with filtering.
The musical ear has not been back since she started using the hearing amplifiers.
She used to be Hemingway's Typist, and Hemingway would scribble some thoughts down on onion paper and she would fix all the diction and grammar.

Cleaning her ears didn't rid her of tinnitus. The noise filters did help.
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Grandma1954 May 2022
totally off subject but... your mom must have some stories to tell. I hope you have spent time talking to her about that time in her life. Would be fascinating.
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