
Anyone have their parent on Citalopram? What do you use it for? Any problems or issues??

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My mother was on it to see if it would help lift her mood. It does help many people. It didn't have much effect on my mother at any dose. I hope that it does help in your circumstance.
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My mom has been taking it for years. She started when she was caring for her husband. They were both getting short with each other. They both took it and it "helped take the edge off". Her husband passed and she still takes it.

A note, she was trying to reduce her medications and decided (with her docs OK) to start weaning off of it. She didn't take it once and decided immediately that she wasn't going to stop. I can't remember exactly why, but I know you can't just quit "cold turkey".
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I had a loved one on Citalopram and it caused a complete (negative) personality change. It was the worst drug for him. That's not to say that it doesn't work for some people but it sure didn't work for him.

You may want to ask for a medication change.
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My mother in law, whom we care for, was on a number of different antidepressants including Citalopram, during the final illness and after the death of my father in law. As someonecwith some professional experience in the mental health field it seems to me prescribing antidepressant or other psychotropic medication is much less effective without at least some counseling and teaching of cognitive strategies. The negative effects of the psychotropics for my MIL outweighed any advantage. She still had disturbed sleep cycles and her confusion and balance issues were worse. She finally weaned off and has been more alert, in a more positive mood (well, for her) and has far fewer falls.

The reason you don't abruptly stop SSRI antidepressants is that it can cause both physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms.
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it has helped my MIL on the low dose and upped it a few years later w/o any bad results. it did take a bit of time when first started to see results-1 wk or so
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This drug's brand name is Celexa, with citalopram the generic name. It is prescribed for depression, OCD, panic attacks and hot flashes (due to menopause). If it is causing side effects which are intolerable, consult the doctor who ordered it and tell him/her what they are. If it is for depression, know there are dozens and dozens of drugs which can be prescribed. It is like a key that fits into a lock. Each person's brain handles each drug differently. In this area, no one drug "fits all", so try many to find the right combination for your loved one.
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Yes, my Dad was do to him accusing me of stealing from him. The 22nd time I finally cried out to his Dr., who put him in the lowest dose. After 33 weeks he didn't remember the bad thoughts. He said that he had actually saw me do the stealing. He really believed it. It was horrible for me as an unpaid C.C. that loves him. I have been C.C. for him and Mom, who passed 02/09/14., since 10/09/14. Citalipram was a life saver. It worked for a year and had to increase dose. Then it worked for 13 months. I asked for a different medicine instead of increasing the dosage. Big mistake! It took 66 weeks and still had to increase the dosage. Remember Dad saw this stuff every day, oh, he has dementia, it was vivid to him. Good luck and God bless
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Not totally answering your question, but I've been on it for years and it's probably helped save my life. There's also been studies that say it's the only SSRI proven to help clear beta amyloid from the brain and prevent AD.
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There is NO SSRI proven to do anything except raise serotonin levels.
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I don't know what kind of side effects Citalopram may have on the elderly, but I've been taking it for over fifteen years and I've not experienced any negative side effects. But everyone is different
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I did not mean to imply that Citalopram cures or prevents AD. I said that there are studies that support it's efficacy in this regard.
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My alz 86 yr old spouse was great at put downs to me & our son asked is there a pill that could help? Went from lion to a lamb. Still working since 2008 or 9. Never chgd dosage. Can love him more now than in those bad days. He thanks me & tells me he loves me many times a day. He is very slowly changing in memory. Remembers some past but present forget it.
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My understanding is that Lexapro is similar to Celexa but the patient can take approximately 1/2 the dosage for the same or even better effects with fewer side effects. My 91 year old mom is on Lexapro for her anxiety, depression and sundown problems. It's been a Godsend!
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Ditto on Houndmother's remarks. It saved me as well. If you stop it abruptly ( I forgot it on a trip- I was very light headed, but emotionally ok). Many people who suffer from depression who go off treatment may do alright for periods of time, but there is a good chance of another bout of depression down the road.
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