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I hope Steph returns so we can clarify what help she needs from us.
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Hospice is never forced. It's a special program CHOSEN by the patient or medical decision maker. Antibiotics can stop working. Antibiotics are allowed on hospice.

I honestly don't know where those who bad-mouth hospice get their information.
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Antibiotics are a truly wonderful discovery, however they hold no promise of preventing death.

A Doctor treats symptoms of illness & disease. Can advise treatment options - including whether to contine (or not) with burdensome or futile treatments.

I have heard so many times people stating their relative is 'fighting fit' or 'strong as an ox'. Sometimes they are referring to their physical strength.. or their mental tenacity.. but sometimes this just does not match with the reality. It's the past. In the present, their LO is frail, an advanced age & maybe suffering from dementia. The first bad cold, pneumonia & certainly sepsis could be the turning point.

Sometimes people just wear out. Antibiotics or not. It's their time.

What reason did the Doctor give for ceasing the medication?
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When my mom had hospice care she took antibiotics for a UTI. Hospice doesn’t deny antibiotics. They do whatever will improve the patient’s comfort.

What do you mean by ‘forcing’ hospice? The doctor is most likely strongly suggesting hospice because they feel it would benefit their patient.

My mom’s doctor told us not to wait until the last minute to get hospice. Some people wait longer than they should to utilize hospice care.

What health issues does your loved one have? How old are they?
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This post was changed by admin....who added "is this common"? The op was not asking that question, just posted a 6 word title.
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People become resistant to antibiotics. They do not work anymore.

If the doctor is suggesting Hospice he must feel the person does not have much longer.
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Hospice isn’t forced. It’s a choice. If your loved one is dying, no matter what the reason. you don’t need to get hospice. Just let them die on their own. My condolences in a sad situation.
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Steph, can you give us more information?

Why was your paret prescribed antibiotics?

How is the doctor "forcing" hospice? Is the doctor in some way coercing YOU to sign for hospice or is another family member saying "I have no choice...the doctor is making me do this"?
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I have a feeling this is another person who doesn't understand how hospice works.
Helpful Answer (8)
lealonnie1 Dec 2022
Agreed. As if hospice is a death sentence or something, which it is NOT.
Not sure what your question is, but hospice can prescribe an antibiotic if necessary.
My late husband while under hospice care in our home had to be on antibiotics several times when he had a UTI.
Helpful Answer (4)
lealonnie1 Dec 2022
That's true too! I never even thought of that, duh to me.
This 6 word post you've put into a title doesn't make too much sense. If a doctor is no longer prescribing antibiotics, s/he's doing it because s/he feels it's the correct decision as a doctor who took the Hippocratic Oath to 'do no harm' to their patients, one would hope & believe to be the case. Whether that decision 'forces' hospice or not has no bearing on the decision that was made. Antibiotics should not be prescribed forever; the medication has to be stopped at some point b/c they are no longer effective after X amount of time. Doing so should not cause death unless sepsis is at play, or something similar. And if it were, IV antibiotics should have cleared that issue up within a certain amount of time. If stopping antibiotics causes a situation where hospice is called in to allow nature to take its course, then you have two choices: you either find another doctor who MAY be willing to continue prescribing antibiotics which you apparently believe will continue to keep this person alive indefinitely, or, you allow nature to take over to determine the fate of the person in question. Nobody lives forever anyway, with or without medication.

I just noticed you put this title under the Alzheimers & Dementia category; my mother died of dementia & heart issues in February and let me tell you, the LAST thing I wanted to do was to keep her alive for ONE minute longer than absolutely necessary. Dementia is horrible and no way for any human being to live. I prayed daily that God would take her Home and when He did, I was relieved that she was finally at peace and out of pain & suffering. I also asked for a hospice evaluation TWICE before they agreed to accept mom and when they blessedly did, she wound up passing away 2 short months later.

That said, you may want to expand on your title and you may get better comments to whatever this situation is all about.
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