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Who diagnosed your mom with dementia?

What specifically are you worried about?

More details will get you better answers.

Helpful Answer (2)

Medical evaluation is your best guide. Are you worried about yourself? Your parent? Could you give us more information? If you google or other search engine symptoms of dementia you will have a whole truckload of info to plow through. You can also list some symptoms here just to get opinions from folks who are dealing with dementia in loved ones. Welcome to the forum.
Helpful Answer (2)

Some of the symptoms of early dementia are:
Memory loss. ...
Difficulty planning or solving problems. ...
Difficulty doing familiar tasks. ...
Being confused about time or place. ...
Challenges understanding visual information. ...
Problems speaking or writing. ...
Misplacing things. ...
Poor judgment or decision-making.

Some symptoms of moderate/mid state dementia are:
Problems sleeping and confusing day and night
Behaving inappropriately in social settings
Wandering or becoming lost
Difficulty with perception
Delusions and/or hallucinations
Increased aggression and irritability
Inability to recall personal history, address, and phone number
Changes in sleep patterns may begin

Here is a link to a pretty useful website about the stages of dementia and what to expect during each:

Best of luck!
Helpful Answer (2)

Did you already have a diagnosis or are you concerned about having to go through testing?

Anticipating tests can be unnerving. Waiting for results is also unsettling. Still, it’s better than guessing or not knowing at all. Even worse, is denying and not dealing, ignoring a suspected problem.

I am happy to see you reaching out. Many here have experience with dementia and ALZ. They can help you.

Start with a conversation with primary care if you like. They know your mom’s history. Ask for a referral to have tests done.

I suppose you are noticing behavior changes, otherwise you would not be inquiring about having your mom tested.

Best wishes to you and your mom.
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