
She is independent. One day she is nice and happy, the next day she is mean and hateful. She does not trust anybody. She refuses to take 1 medicine (Risperdal 1mg). When she does take it she is wonderful to be around. Her memory has always been exceptional. She is extremely intelligent, manipulative and controlling. I love her so much. She is in a lock-down assisted living right now. I am her POA, Trustee and soon to be Guardian. Mom is in Florida. I am in NC. Mom thinks she can live independently. I am moving her to NC within 1 month. I just do not know where she will fit in for living in Assisted Living or Memory Care. I do not want her in lock-down, however, she needs to be watched. I appreciate all the advice I can get. SOS!

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Dear Betty:
You love your Mother and want her to be safe. If she suffers from vascular dementia, psychosis and other mental disorders the only way she can be safe is to be in a safe, secure environment. Speak with her Doctor and the AL Social Worker and listen to their recommendations. Likely she does require to be in a lock-down unit for her own safety and your peace of mind.
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