
Please tell some of your dealings with hospital rehab places that you had to place your love ones into. I don't like what I have experience in the last times that they have been in for care. I need to go everyday to see what was happening of course your love one can't speak for themselves.

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My mom spent a month in rehab after hip replacement surgery. We used a place near the hospital that dad could get to easily. As we were checking her in I was worried she would freak out at how crowded and busy the place was. She was also sort of the belle of the ball. Most folks there were in much worse shape. Even though the place was a little run down the rehab and care folks did a good job with her. We had a happy ending and she is now back on her feet with no more pain from a bad hip. I had thought about moving her but I waited a few days and she settled in and did well.
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My mom was not mentally capable of cooperating for the time Medicare would cover, so she did not really get the benefit rehab could offer her.

It was nobody's fault. This is the way it is with dementia. Nobody can force them to cooperate, so if the patient won't do it, they can't stay in rehab.
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