
My hubs has Alz and Dr is prescribing this to replace prazosin for PM anxiety and restlessness.D is 79 and was diagnosed 5 years ago. The anxiety and extreme afternoon restlessness started about 4 or 5 mos ago and has gotten progressively worse. He will not sit still. He is up and down, up and down, until I think I will lose my mind. While he is up, he turns on lights, (never off) plays with the cat food, and just in general picks up stuff and puts it somewhere else. Sometimes he doesn't even sit completely down before getting up again.
I did read and the Dr agreed that it can cause heart problems in some people. Less than 1/2 of 1 percent. Other than dementia he is healthy as a horse. Strong heart, good BP, good cholesterol. Great health for his age.
He gets all his care at the VA and his geriatric shrink says that as matter of policy they don't give benzodiazepines to dementia patients, so no Zanax or anything of that type.
The prazosin, which we tried first, actually made him worse.
Thanks for any help you can give.
And thanks to all you guys for logging on everyday and helping fellow sufferers.

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My Mom takes risperdal 0.25 mg 2x daily.. She had daily panic attacks usually around 4am they have stopped.. She also gets restless and will pace around when she feels restless.. If I sit with her and do an activity (puzzle, bingo,casual questions about her life, play music she enjoys and ask her about the singer) she will settle down... She just needs to keep busy...She's bored but doesn't have the capability to remember "how to" entertain herself anymore...

Dementia stinks......
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As Pam said, it's very much trial and error with most psychiatric drugs in dementia patients. Is he on an antidepressant?

I would give the respiradol a shot. Good that you have a geriatric psych managing the meds!
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All patients react differently, it is unfortunately a matter of trial and error. Many have had good effects with Risperdal. Give it a chance.
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