
Mother was transferred to this facility after deemed her for hospice care, made payment for a full month but unfortunately mother passed after only four days. the one said that she would refund the unused portion of the monthly cost but has continued to avoid phone calls and says she has no money for the refund.

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What kind of facility is this ? And who is telling you she has no money forvrefunds?

As Gershun says, I would wait till the end of the month and then send a certified letter requesting the refunded monies.
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Rippedoffagain I would keep trying. My Mother passed away in early May and the nursing home said they needed to make sure there weren't any outstanding expenses accrued before they could settle her account. Their protocol was to wait a full mth. and then reimburse us if there was nothing else owing on our side.

We did eventually get payment in full. So find out if there are any hidden policies you don't know about and then I'd keep trying if I was you.
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