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Do you have a question Ozzy? A positive result means traces of blood have been found in your sample, the next step is usually a colonoscopy.
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I just got my results. My PCP ordered the test and my PCP called me to come in for the results. I was told it was nothing serious but I would need to get a colonoscopy eventually. It took me a couple of months to get into a specialist.

Not sure what kind of advice we could give. Really between u and the doctor.
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It depends on the test. Some test for the presence of blood and some test for markers for cancer. Keep in mind, that neither test is completely accurate. Both can have false positives. If you regularly take aspirin, that can cause a false positive result for blood. Would it surprise you to hear that cancers are often overlooked even with colonoscopy, and that they mainly pick up cancers on only one side of the colon? Nothing is perfect in this life.

It also depends on your age. If you are 85 or older and not having any symptoms related to cancer of the bowel, then something else will probably cause your demise long before bowel cancer would. Keep in mind that there are risks associated with colonoscopy, especially if you are older.

What it comes down to is what you are most comfortable doing. Everything has risks. As always, I recommend the book, Rethinking Aging: Growing Old and Living Well in an Overtreated Society by Dr. Nortin Hadler.

I have a somewhat similar situation in that a pathologist found an atypical cell fragment in endometrial tissue that was removed during a D & C. I have decided to not do anything. Everyone in her sixties and beyond has "wonky" cells, even cancerous ones. The big question is, will they develop into something that will cause harm? There are no easy answers.
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JoAnn29 Oct 2021
Thank you. My doctor said for me it was markers. So I could 6 months before actually getting a colonoscopy. Told her at 72 I have been putting off too long so will go ahead. I see the specialist next week to see what he says.
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