
I am barely holding on to my job. I work nights, care for my husband during the day. He does get around some, but it prone to falls and some memory loss. We are barely making ends meets. Is there any help for spouses that care for thier own spouse? I see there are so many programs out there to help other causes, but what about those helping seniors, in this case a spouse caring for thier spouse? I need help and sound advice. WE do not have much on finances, after paying bills, and rent. We live paycheck to paycheck. Help....

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If he was a wartime veteran, contact the VA for help. Also talk to your county office of the aging about helpers.
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Has he applied for Social Security disability benefits? What is his diagnosis? There will undoubtedly be a non-profit organization that is devoted to that health issue. Go to them for advice. Don't know what your income level is...have you looked into Food Stamps, help from your religious affiliation, etc? Provide a bit more info so more suggestions can be offered.
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If he is a veteran, he may qualify for a full pension. My mother is getting my father's pension. He served in WWII for 4 years. All veterans should qualify if disabled. It is a maximum of $1800 monthly. Check with your VA office if you think you could qualify. There are specialists who will help you with this as well.
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In California "In-Home Supportive Services" check county office on aging/senior services. etc.
IHS will assess your needs and based on income qualifications pays towards the disabled persons care (one friend gets 40 hrs per month, another more).
They are the daughter and wife respectively. They receive payment to either hire someone so they can work or they can perform services themselves.
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NOt sure how to respond to the one person here. He cannot get vets benefits. AS for food stamps, my income is enough to make that impossible. I work, but its paying bills and more bills. I have to find time to care for my hubby. I work at night, try to stay up and see how his night went, if I didnt get a phone call, then if all was decent, I can get some sleep, but get up to check on him to make sure he IS ok, sometimes he will stay up during my work shift and then sleep during the day as me. He needs to get out more. there is more now that we moved, because there has been some complications at our new place, and wish we could just move right back out. Its not helping hubby nor myself. Its a bad place and a regrettable decision to move, now we are stuck and have to wait til a yr. is up. I feel hubby will leave on his own. IF he does, he is able to make his own choices, but his health could us more monitoring. I cannot stop him from what he might do. I love him so much. This new place has been pure heck. I want to move out also. We already signed a lease. We want out, but now on top of other issues I have, I need to get help with this as well. I wish there were two of me and I was rich.
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Rose you didn't answer the questions regarding your husband's health. It is hard to help when we don't know any details.
What is wrong with the p;ace you are living in? if it is the condition of the building then you can report the landlord to city codes.
Has your husband applied for disability? Is he old enough for social security.
Are you over 55? you may qualify for public housing.
Pl;ease write again and share some more details if you feel comfortable doing that.
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Look into bankruptcy to help get rid of the bills and see if there is a way to break your lease. More info might enable us to help more.
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