
My 81 yo mother has become reliant on a walker to the point she no longer has balance- the Drs. Have done multiple test regarding neurological and anything you can think of- she is "healthy" . I personally think it is a sociological issue "fear of falling" that has my mom losing mobility rapidly. I want to find an aquatic program that will provide hands on assistance - any recommendation for one in the Cleveland area.

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It is an excellent idea if she will go for it. You probably won't get any answers here unless someone is from the Cleveland area. This is a caregiver support group. Her doctor may have some idea of people in the area who do aquatic exercises and therapy.
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Can't give you specific recommendations, but these are some suggestions for contacting to see if they have aquatic programs.

Hospital affiliated PT programs as well as for profit commercial therapy facilities. You'd need a script from a doctor to get Medicare payment for the therapy.

In SE Michigan, some of the more progressive communities and one community college have gym facilities available to residents and nonresidents. The costs are much more reasonable for someone on private pay than commercial therapy facilities. It would most likely have to be private pay because these municipalities don't offer PT - just the facilities and equipment.

These would likely be a second choice though for you since you want hands-on assistance, which suggests that you'll need a place with therapists to work with her.
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