
I live with my parent's and take care of shopping and house keeping and cleaning. My Mom has COPD .also had breast cancer and is in the first stages of Parkinsons. my dad has has high blood pressure and is diabetic. i do the shopping cleaning and cooking.. my mom has been hospitalized very many times she gets tired easily .... they feel that i should get paid for this they have bills to pay and they do pay for my storage unit but it makes me feel bad that they have to help me... like that.. I love being with them but i would really like to make my own money and feel independent again... my brothers are both married and i am divorced and not in a relationship I am also the oldest in my family.. I want to be here and take care of my mom and dad... I love them so dearly and they are fine with me here... my mom and i have fun together when she is feeling well... i just need help finding some one to help me get paid for taking care of them .. they have Medicare and private insurance through my dads job he had at Harley Davidson...we live in Wisconsin... My oldest Daughter is also and RN and she will help when she can..please i need help with this and it seems like i just get the run around on it,,, Thank you !!!

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I am a home health aid, have been 15 yrs. When my mom developed dementia 8 yrs. ago, i decided to move her in with me. The agency i worked for allowed me to have her as my client. You do have to be certified in some agencies, and if so, it don't take long to train. I am 58 yrs. old and it couldn't have been a better set up. Check in your state, check the home health agencies, check the laws. Some states have it, where you can get paid without an agency, check wit medicare.
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The "anyone" who can pay you are your parents. As Freqflyer & Jeanne suggested.

I'd like to add suggestion, now your daughter is an RN correct? & she is able to help in caregiving also? whether helping you or helping your parents, correct? If so look into the possibility of forming an LLC that is you & your daughter to be a caregiving business. Do all this - the 2 of you - as a legit LLC. Your daughter takes the lead in all this & rates are based off of her pay scale with you as a "aide". There are still taxes & reporting, etc to deal with but there likely would be all sorts of tax advantages to doing this. You still need a contract drawn up by an attorney but could be lots more advantageous than being paid as in individual.
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Is your Dad or Mom a veteran? Have you looked into VA benefits?

If/when your parents qualify for Medicaid, and the case worker does a needs assessment that determines your parents need a certain amount of help per week, in most states a family member can provide that help. In my state the family members signs up with the care agency designated by the county, takes any applicable training, and then is treated as an employee, with taxes withheld, etc.

If your parents are not yet eligible for Medicaid and they can afford to pay you, then take freqflyer's advice and draw up a contract. If they do have to apply for Medicaid you need evidence that the money they give you is not a gift. A contract also helps clarify things for other family members.

Good luck to you! There are legions of people in your shoes. I hope you find some resolution. Come back and tell us what is working for you.
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One way to get paid is for your parents to pay you.... you will need to draw up a contract of what you will be doing for them, and how many hours per day. But you will be responsible for paying your own payroll taxes.
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