She fell several months ago and has been under dr. care for a compressed fracture of her lower back. She has been in a brace for months with no relief. Her dr wants her to have an MRI but the co-pay from humana is 283.00 which neither of us have we are receiving only social security and have nothing left at end of month for this. We are struggling just to have food to eat. Most of the time we eat once a day. We have visited food banks but amount they give doesn't last a month. Do you know where we can get help with the money to pay for this procedure.
One way to approach getting help is to call the Human Services department in your county and ask for needs assessment for your sister. The worker who comes out to find out what she needs will also know what kind of assistance is available. No doubt Medicaid will be one of the suggestions. Perhaps food stamps will be suggested.
Sometimes there is a backlog and a wait for Human Services appointments. The sooner you start the quicker it will happen!