
The facility in which my mom stays, there no beautician on staff. I just need to find a licensed beautician for my mom's Nursing Home.

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Try calling a beautician school in your neighborhood. Or call another nursing home or assisted living or other senior apt facility. One of them has to have one that might be happy to expand their clients. I would think there must be some unemployed hair cutters out there who could start up a mobile business to serve the eldelry and disabled and do quite well. and I wouldn't think they would have to charge so much extra so it would make it unaffordable. Because, how much are they making at the average salon these days? Aren't they paid hourly? and rely on tips?
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At my mother's facility they have a beautician who comes to the facility. Try contacting the recreational director to see if there is someone who regularly visits.

If not, I am sure that they can make some form of arrangement to have someone come in. Your mother would not be the only person who would be using her.
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