
I am just wondering if any foreign assets can be affected by estate recovery once the Medicaid recipient passes away?

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To add to my post above, I really wish foreign assets would be used in regard to Medicaid.

I have a friend who's Mother-in-law will be moving to the U.S. this year from the old country.   MIL recently became a U.S. citizen.   MIL was surprised that she couldn't get Medicare, but she never put a dime into the system, so she can't.   But it sounds like MIL can get Medicaid.

My friend feels this is so wrong because back in the old country her MIL has a large house with servants.   The house won't be sold, and money will be kept in the old country.   She really should sell the house and transfer her money here, as this sounds so unfair to the U.S. taxpayers.
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Any asset that flows through probate in the USA can be attached. My advice is have a foreign lawyer handle foreign assets and keep them out of the reach of MERP
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Very unlikely.
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@igloo Question in theory
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Helpmeet - Is this a ? in theory or did your elder actually list foreign assets on their Medicaid application & actually got the application approved?
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Helpmeet, this is something you would need to talk to with your State Medicaid or with an Elder Law Attorney.
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