
My grandmother has Alzheimer's/dementia. She was placed in a nursing home a little over a year ago due to a a fell that caused her to break her hip. My mother can no longer tend to her every need. Both of my mom's brothers have pretty much distanced themselves from the situation, so the the entire burden falls on my mother. My mom never worried about a power of attorney for her, and now she needs one. My grandmother had dimentia/alzheimer's and isn't healthy enough to sign one. What are the steps we need to take to get a power of attorney for my grandmother?

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The next step sad to say is for your mother to file for guardianship. I say that because your grandmother must be healthy enough, that is mentally competent enough to give a power of attorney to your mother or to you. Too late now for that.

In the meantime, who has been taking care of your grandmother's finances, paying her nursing home bills and paying her taxes?

To file for guardianship will require the testimony of two doctors saying that she is no longer competent to handle her business in a business like manner in court with a lawyer and it costs around $5,000. It you don't have that kind of money, then I think the nursing home can apply for her to become a ward of the state who will take over her care and manage her assets.

Let us know how things go.
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Ask the social worker at the NH for the names of elder law attorneys that others at the facility have used. As CMagnum said, you may have to do guardianship at this late point in time as grannie may be beyond competency to do a POA.
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