
I have been trying to catch pee so I can bring it to my mom's doctor for analysis to see if she has a urinary tract infection. No catch. She is hallucinating so it is a good chance she has one. She is not eating and not drinking much. She did pee yesterday but the aide was not able to catch it.

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Here is something that "I" used when I thought Mom had a UTI and couldn't get her to 'give' a sample' or get her to the doctor... weekend, holiday, etc.

Go to a wholefoods store. Get D-Mannose in powder form, add one teaspoonful dissolved In water or juice every 2 or 3 hours.

A typcial dosing regimen to treat a UTI using the powder would be one teaspoon dissolved in a liquid and taken every 2 to 3 hours for 2 to 3 days,then use the maintenance dose to prevent recurrence.

We used this 'treatment' sucessfully for FIVE YEARs for my mother. No prescription, no interaction with other drugs, even if she was a diabetic there is NO problem.

I do hope this helps..... p.s. to get a urine sample, try a 'nun's cap' that can be added UNDER the toilet seat.
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p.s. If she is not eating OR drinking, it may be necessary to get her to the hospital since dehydration will only make hallucinations WORSE! If you can give fluids, I would.

Encourage her to drink (if you can) by having her "taste" something with you. If you can solicit her 'help' perhaps she will drink.

I do hope this helps you.
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