
She no longer baths and has incontinence issues. She needs helpwith her daily hygiene needs.She thinks she is doing just fine on her own?

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I hope others will chime in here. I think this is a common problem.

I know that my loved one, never realized that her hygiene was very poor.

I've read that some just jump in with attending to their hygiene needs. For example, if she isn't cleaning herself well after bowel movements, you might lock the bathroom so she can't go in by herself and then accompany her every time she goes in and when she's done just clean it for her. You might even say it's doctor orders.( I'm assuming that you are caring for her in your home and that she is not left unattended.)

If she's not bathing, you might get her some cleansing cloths and watch her as she cleans herself or consult with a bathe aid. Sometimes they will listen to a professional better.

I wouldn't spend much time trying to convince her that she needs help or how she might do it better, since the dementia won't allow her brain to process all of that. And even if she did, she would likely forget and you'd have to remind her every 5 minutes. Notes and reminders also aren't helpful, IMO.

I bet you get more tips from others around here. Good luck.
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You modify her bathtub so she has a walk in shower and you add grab bars all around the tub. Also add a handheld shower. Our mom also needed an OT to come to the house and train her to safely get in and out
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