
After seeing her brother who was terminal and on pain meds, she has convinced herself that all meds to help with her memory and anti-depressants will make her crazy. She is very combative , and gets highly upset when we try to get her to take a anti-depressant to help her with the agitation and worry. We got her to take 5mg of Lexapro, the other night she said it made her crazy and she couldn't find the bed and couldn't see where she was in the room. She said she will never take any of them again. She gets very very upset when we mention her taking it. She gets even more forgetful when she is upset, which is getting to be most of the time. We thought if we could just get her to take the anti-depressant it would help her tremendously. She never smiles anymore, only worries about everything.

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Maggie~I went through a similar situation with my mother. She was and is terrified of side effects of medication. My mother looks at life as cause and effect very black and white thinking. My sister and I had to wait things out until our mother was diagnosed as mentally incapacitated so that the DPOA could be in force. Once that happened, we had our mother put on Namenda. It is hard to get them to take medication unless you can get a liquid form of it or grind it into their food. If you do grind it, talk with the dr. because not all medications have the same effect once they are ground. I also had my mom put on an antidepressant, I told it was for something else and she accepted it. Good Luck with this and keep us updated...your situation may help another.
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I understand how your mother feels re. antidepressants I worked many yrs. in a nursing home..and I saw the side effects .In fact I mention in my living will NO antidepressants . your mom may do well on a mild tranquilizer such as ativan 0.5 mg or valium 5 mg to calm her. they come in liquid. I think we are all put through these hard test in life...stay strong...God bless
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