
she has macular degeneration and I am afraid of her falling, can someone come to my house she is 89. I don't think she could take the aging van or go somewhere by herself she cannot see and she is very unsteady on her feet but refuses the transport chair, she loves talking to people but there is no one for her to talk to

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Home healthcare agencies offer companionship. I think you'd have to commit to a minimum of 2 hours but you can hire someone to come over and just sit and talk with your mom. Plus, this would give you a brief respite as well.
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Our mom wanted entertainment, but would not go to the senior center or use the senior van. We moved her to assisted living for a one month trial. She loved the company. By the way she is deaf in rt ear, blind in left eye and uses a walker. Socialization is key to their survival.
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Why on earth would she refuse the transport chair if it will get her out?
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